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Everything posted by KSI xSWAG 7

  1. Gamertag: KSIxSWAG Division: Wicked Destruction
  2. Name: KSIxSWAG Link to Forums Account: @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award-/-Achievement: Round of applause Reason-/-Evidence: I have 20 awards Staff Award Requested: heart and soul
  3. Name: KSIxSWAG Link to Forums Account: @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award-/-Achievement: on point Reason-/-Evidence: I have 15 awards Staff Award Requested: I love RiiOT
  4. Name: KSIxSWAG Link to Forums Account: @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award-/-Achievement: Forum newbie Reason-/-Evidence: I have 100 post Staff Award Requested:
  5. Name: KSIxSWAG Link to Forums Account: @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award-/-Achievement: Ripple Effect Reason-/-Evidence: I have over 10 awards Staff Award Requested: Army support
  6. Gamer tag KSI TayTay77 Link @KSI Taywick 77 Award Mentor reason/evidence He has mentor me
  7. Team Captain: OMG A Cloud Division:WD Teammate: KSIxSWAG Division:WD Teammate: KSI xShooter Division: WD
  8. Team Captain: KSIxSWAG Division: WD Teammate: KSI Obessesion Division: SL Teammate: KSI Void Division: SL
  9. Award: Train The Trainer Workshop Evidence: Attended and participated in the Train The Trainer Workshop on 2/16/20 Host: KSIxSWAG#3760 Attendance @KSI BlueRose
  10. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Taywick 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Taywick 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - reason why this person deserve this award , Is ever since he came over to a dead squad with no officers . He did his very best to show postivity towards his squad and comming officers . and now the squad he is over is bouta split something ppl been wanting to do . . also this person has great roll of officers thanks to all his hard work towards this squad what it is now. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Cabva Link to forums account - @KSI Cabva Reasoning why they deserve this - reason why he deserve this award , is because ever since he stepped as member up to be as a officer , he has been supportive and always on helping members on what they need and helping the squad and other officers .
  11. Name:KSIxSWAG Link to Forums Account:@KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award-/-Achievement: legen Reason-/-Evidence: i have 5 awards. Staff Award Requested: Execute order 77
  12. Team Captain: KSI Ralph Division: WD Teammate: KSIxUSMCxSWAG Division: WD
  13. Gamertag/Forums name: KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Attended workshop by KSI xJam on 11/14/19 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI xJam
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