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KSI Uppish 7

The Ish Gang
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Everything posted by KSI Uppish 7

  1. Highest of Fives: Yes Airborne’s Legion: Yes
  2. Legen: Yes Execute Order 77: Yes
  3. GT: KSI UppishB592 Squad / Div: Hellborn DM Award: Ripple Effect Evidence: I have 10 Forums Awards Staff Award: Support Group Reasoning: Each meta award comes with a staff award
  4. Legen- : Verified - Yes That's So Fetch: Yes
  5. Gamerscore Hoarder: Verified - Yes Gamerscore Master: Verified - Yes
  6. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Gruntier 7 - Director DM Link to forums account - @KSI Gruntier 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - He's an amazing, hard-working guy who kicks ass and gets stuff done. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxROMEO 7 - Founder DM Link to forums account - @KSIxROMEO 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Since Gruntier's promotion to Director, Romeo has shouldered most of the burden of running Demonic Mayhem. He's a smart guy running a great Div. And more than deserving to receive Founder of the Month. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dragons 7 - CoFounder DM Link to forums account - @Dragons 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - He's a phenomenal KSI member, between running the Graphics Department and overseeing 2 flourishing squads. Dragons does a lot for both squads and spends a lot time hanging out with both squads and engaging members on a daily basis alongside the officer staffs. He's an excellent CoFounder and worthy of an OTM award. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Nevermore - Gen Hellborn DM Link to forums account - @KSI Nevermore Reasoning why the deserve this - Since taking over as General of Hellborn, Nevermore has made himself invaluable. He has given new life to our squad, and brought a fresh, fun atmosphere to Xbox parties that has our gamenight attendance steadily improving. He's doing great things here and I can't wait to see what he does next. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxDARKWOLF - SGT Hellborn DM Link to forums account - @KSIxDARKWOLF Reasoning why they deserve this - DARKWOLF has done a great job being active and engaged in Hellborn in the past month. He's referred new members to the Officer Staff to be recruited and has been at at least 3 gamenights each week. I'm looking forward to him stepping up to be an officer and be able to recruit on his own sometime soon. Because I know he'd be an excellent addition to the Hellborn Officer Staff.
  7. Name: KSI UppishB592 Link to Forums Account: @KSIUppishB592 Award-/-Achievement: Legen- Reason-/-Evidence: Because I have more than 5 Forums awards Award-/-Achievement: Veriithots Reason-/-Evidence: Because each Meta Award comes with a Staff Award.
  8. Link to Forums Account: @KSI PROPHECY v7 Awards: Gamerscore Hoarder Gamerscore Master Evidence: The picture includes shows he has earned both 20k+ and 50k+ gamerscore
  9. Team Captain: KSI UppishB592 DM Member: KSI Nevermore DM Member: KSIxDARKWOLF DM FIRST TEAM!! Woot Woot!
  10. Yo GTA V would be dope! Offense Defense, Slasher (not slasherS), and Snipers vs. Stunters would all be excellent gamemodes for y'all to try!!
  11. Yo, I'd actually be down to do that. Tuesdays are perfect.
  12. Gamertag: KSI UppishB592 Forums: @KSIUppishB592 Award: Gamerscore Hoarder Evidence: KSI UppishB592 has over 20k Gamerscore
  13. Gamertag: KSI UppishB592 Forums: @KSIUppishB592 Award: Gamerscore Hoarder Evidence: KSI UppishB592 has over 20k Gamerscore
  14. General Gamertag: KSIDntAskImAwfl Rank/Div/Squad: GEN/DM/Venom Forums Account: @KSIdontask Reasoning: DontAsk is an incredible person and an even better General. She's always putting her squad before gaming or anything else. Despite having a squad of well over 90 for basically the entire month of March (and February). She managed to keep it all running smoothly and without issues or problems. DontAsk goes out of her way all the time to hangout with everyone and make sure each and every person in Venom is happy and having fun. DontAsk also oversaw the splitting of Venom into a new squad in DM, Sinister. She's a truly wonderful person and I hope I showed you why she's earned this award. Captain Gamertag: KSI Joe 7 Rank/Div/Squad: GEN/DM/Sinister Forums Account: @KSI Joe 7 Reasoning: Joe is an awesome Captain. In fact Joe was so good that he was chosen to become the General of DM's newest squad Sinister. He's so good at so many things it's tough to know where to start. He's a phenomenal recruiter. Joe knows so much and puts his knowledge to great use in KSI, he taught me a lot about professionalism and helping me to become a better officer. Joe always has big parties because people love to hangout with him. He makes each and every recruit and member feels welcomed and appreciated. Joe is an incredible guy and more deserving of this award than anyone I know. Member Gamertag: Voodoo iTL Rank/Div/Squad: CPL/DM/Insanity Forum Account: @Voodoo iTL Reasoning: Voodoo is an awesome person who represents everything a KSI member should be. He hangs out and has fun no matter who's online or what game they're playing. He's also Captain on DM's Headhunters team. Under his leadership our team has had an incredibly successful run, including what should've been a win against WD last night. He makes sure each member he meets feels wanted and appreciated. Voodoo also has a great mind for in-game strategies and helps all of us become better players his patience and knowledge. He's a great HH captain and has really gotten to showcase his leadership skills in Headhunters. I hope he decides to become an officer and can't wait to see what his KSI future holds.
  15. Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Award/Achievement: Outstanding Service Level 1 Link to Forums Account: @KSIxROMEO 7 Romeo is a spectacular leader in KSI and makes sure I feel welcomed and involved everytime I log on to Xbox. He goes above and beyond and even joins Xbox parties while he is at work just to hangout. As an officer, Romeo leads by example and shows fellow officers how to raise the bar of excellence and incorporate each and every member so they all want to be here as much as he does. Romeo is an amazing person to get to know, a great mentor, and a good friend. He is more than deserving of this award. And I sincerely hope you think so too.
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