OS Level 1
I will drop my vote to witness.
Pam is known around DM and the community as literally the nicest person in KSI. She's a shining example of what our members should strive to be. Kind, helpful, understanding, comforting, and an absolute pleasure to be around. From the moment I was recruited in last November, Pam has been there for everything. She formed the basis of my KSI knowledge, how to be a good officer, and a better person. When I first reached SSGT and no clue how to do anything. Pam took time from her incredibly busy real life schedule and showed me how to work the Forums and where to find things like Roll Call, the Activity Log, and answered every question I could possibly think of. Pam does this not just for myself or her officers. But every member of her vast squad, and anybody from DM's over 400 members. DontAsk spent some time as the General of Venom DM. During which she worked crazy hard recruiting quality members, training them properly, and integrating them into her massive squad. Throughout her tenure as Gen, Venom was plagued by a consistent lack of officers to match its incredible size. Venom spent about 3-4 months with 90+ members. Over the course of that time, Pam worked tirelessly to find, train, and build up several officers until Venom was healthy enough to split, creating Sinister DM. KSIDntAskImAwfl put a LOT of work into that endeavor and has had a profound impact on a ton of members in Venom, Sinister, and DM as a whole. To be completely honest, I was blown away when I realized that Pam didn't have OS1. And she's easily the most deserving OS1 candidate in recent memory.
Pam, you're easily one of the most amazing people in this community and the literal dictionary definition of a true asset to it. You've helped me through so much. Thank you for everything Pam.