Created a new division from a division split. Must reach 225 within 6 months (given to the leadership that founded the division, Cofounder to division leader)
Created a new division from a division split. Must reach 225 within 6 months (given to the leadership that founded the division, Cofounder to division leader)
Created a new division from a division split. Must reach 225 within 6 months (given to the leadership that founded the division, Cofounder to division leader)
This award is for leaders who have achieved a "Double 7", which is acquiring a 7 in 2 of 3 aspects of the community. A Co-Founder or higher in Clan Ops, a Co-Head or Department Head in Department Ops, and/or a Senior Forums Moderator or higher in Web Ops.
This award is for leaders who have achieved a "Double 7", which is acquiring a 7 in 2 of 3 aspects of the community. A Co-Founder or higher in Clan Ops, a Co-Head or Department Head in Department Ops, and/or a Senior Forums Moderator or higher in Web Ops.
This award is for leaders who have achieved a "Double 7", which is acquiring a 7 in 2 of 3 aspects of the community. A Co-Founder or higher in Clan Ops, a Co-Head or Department Head in Department Ops, and/or a Senior Forums Moderator or higher in Web Ops.