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KS Shinobi

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About KS Shinobi

  • Birthday 06/23/1995

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  • Location
    Franklin, IN
  • Gamertag
    KSI Scotty
  • Date Recruited
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    KSI Scotty#0569

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Newbie (1/4)



  1. That’s no problem! I would like to call @Scarface 77 as a witness.
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Shinobi(#6041) Award: Committed Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I was recruited on 11/15/18. I can provide screenshot of profile or request squad/division leadership to provide proof via Omega Profile Link if possible @KSI Assassin187
  3. I too throw my nomination in the hat for KSI Grifful! My officer career in KSI has not been easy and I have been plagued with both personal problems and problems within KSI. Each time when I’ve felt like throwing in the towel and giving up in general he’s been there to mentor me and give me advice on how to move forward as a stronger officer and as a person. While he is not a perfect person he is a perfect example of what it means to be a member of KSI, especially as one holding an esteemed and honorable position. There is no doubt in my mind that that this man deserves this award! He knows it, he lives it and he loves it!
  4. No problem! KSI Ranger5142, Formerly known as EliteRanger5142, was a member the he assisted with a name change just a few weeks ago.
  5. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Scotty/ @KSI Assassin187 Award Ripple Effect Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I have 12 awards altogether on the forums Profile Link if possible
  6. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Scorpi0n/ @KSIREDNECK22 Award: Helping Hand Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I witnessed KSI Scorpi0n help newer members with name changes in addition to helping them with personal problems and other things.
  7. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI THEZOHAN and KSI rockstar147 @KSI THEZOHAN @KSI rockstar147 Award Squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop on 7/1/19
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI Assassin187 Award -Legen Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I have all of PO certs along with helping hand and Spring break 2019 Profile Link if possible
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI Assassin187 Award legen- Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I have all of my certifications along with helping hand and spring break 2019 Profile Link if possible
  11. Gamertag / Forums @KSI Elbas Award: Squad leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted the workshop myself Profile Link if possible:
  12. Gamertag / Forums @KSI Elbas Award: Train the Trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted the workshop myself Profile Link if possible: Gamertag / Forums @KSI xBLAZiNx Award: Train the Trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): I hosted the workshop myself Profile Link if possible:
  13. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI xBLAZiNx Award Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop on 5/4/19 Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI Elbas Award Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop on 5/8/19 Profile Link if possible
  14. Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI xBLAZiNx Award Train the trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I, KSI Scotty hosted this workshop on 5/4/19 Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name @KSI xBLAZiNx Award Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop on 5/4/19 Profile Link if possible
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