Category: General of the Year
Gamertag; KSI T1ger
Forums Account Link / @t1ger
Reasons they deserve this award - T1ger deserves this award because since I have joined KSI she has been nonstop making sure the squad stays up to date and on top of their duties. She is always helping others throughout the squad whether it be a small situation or something big like a split. T1ger pulls the whole squad together and shows appreciation to all the members. She cares about the opinion and cares about squad mates having people to play with. Not only is she a great general but also a good person. She is easy to talk to and respects everyone. Overall Cyanide is lucky to have a general like T1ger who is devoted as her.
Category: Captain of the Year
Gamertag; KSI Folkstyle
Forums Account Link / @folkstyle
Reasons they deserve this award - Ever since I have joined I have seen folkstyle going above and beyond in all areas but he definetly excels at being a captain. With his open door policy and willingness to help others, he has taught me a lot. From common advice to his workshops I have enjoyed how he approaches situations. He logically thinks them out and thinks of the best outcome as a whole. He’s always helping others within the squad, hosting great workshops, and be active across the board.
Category: Lieutenant of the Year
Gamertag; KSI Minifuzz30
Forums Account Link / @ KSI Minifuzz30
Reasons they deserve this award - What else is there to say but he’s a jack of all trades. Recruiting, training, promoting, and being a active squad mate are all subjects that he really shines in. He recruits many members, helps train or promote many of them and he has his game nights with pulling all the members together. He’s a excellent member and has participated in almost everything. He helps grow the squad and bring it together.