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  • Birthday 09/04/1992

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  1. Position:Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI LadyRukia 7 Forums Account Link -http://www.ksiforums...si-ladyrukia-7 Division:Ground Zero Reasoning why the deserve this - I cant think of a reason why she doesn't deserve this award. Ever since she got in this position she has been exemplifying an excellent sense of leadership. I have been under her wing for a while as a member and I have seen nothing but good things from her. As a higher up I feel that she has done nothing that would not benefit her squads even if it would require extra work from her; she was willing to do it. As a mature gaming community that KSI is she is the perfect example for what we stand for. I have yet to see someone turn a division around and keep it going as well as she has. She has really gone above and beyond to make sure that everything is in order before she rests on a matter. I feel that once she was given this position she was the right one for the job. I would like to see more people like her come up in the ranks, because if more people like her start showing up, both GZ and KSI as a whole will be on top once again Position:General Gammertag: KSI Legion 7 Forums account link. :http://www.ksiforums...4-ksi-legion-7/ Division: GZ Reasoning: There is no one reason why I dont think that this gentleman doesn't deserve to be honored with this award. His outstanding leadership skills have shown through out his squad and the division. As a General he is the prime example of what a leader should be. I have seen many generals in my day and none can compare to who he is and what he has accomplished in such a short amount of time. Over the past several months, he has made his name known and made sure that all he does is nothing less than greatness; which is the whole point of being a leader. When the word leader comes to mind the first person I think of is Legion. " A leader is not only defined by the work accomplished, but but by the amount of teamwork and involvement of the persons involved in the process" Leaders are nothing without a team behind them and if the team is failing the leader is not doing his job; but when the team is successful and content then that man is truly a great leader. KSI Legion is that man, he has made his squad into a well oiled machine that works together and always puts out work. As a general I feel that he was the one to take any situation good and bad, and make it into something that would better his squad in the end. When times got rough and things started looking as if the squad was going to hit rock bottom, he pulled a miracle and took a squad from the low 70's to the upper 80's in less than a week. For that major accomplishment of raised membership i commend him. Overall his personality and willingness to make a mark in KSI for generations to see when he is long gone has started early, because this individual has shown that he has what it takes to make a difference not only in KSI and in real life. No one has shown so much interest to each one of his members to treat them like family and be there no matter what the issue. I personally feel that if it were not for this individual I would not be where I am today in KSI and in life. Legion is an outstanding person that deserves what ever good thing comes his way in KSI and in life. I am proud to nominate KSI Legion 7 for General of the month with no remorse because at the end of the day he is the true definition of a man and a leader. Position: lieutenant Gammer Tag: KSI Pretty Lady Division: Ground Zero Squad: Courage Forums Account Link : http://www.ksiforums...5-lady-creepar/ Reasons: Over the past couple of weeks i have seen nothing but improvement and good things out of this individual. As an officer she has shown that she has what it takes to be higher up on the leadership scale for months to come. The moment she was promoted to an officer she was already ready to go out and do things to better her squad I feel that as an individual she is one to look out for because within only two weeks of being an officer she has made her mark in KSI beyond some that have been here before her. I commend her for her accomplishments as a member of KSI. She has the potential to be a leader in the near future. No one can compare to what she has done behind the scenes and in broad daylight. This is a name to be known because her training methods are none like any I have seen before and makes training more of a social event rather than just rules and regulations. I proudly nominate her for this award because for someone to be able to accomplish running a successful swat team with only two months of membership under her belt is truly outstanding.
  2. Name: (Member-/-Squad-/-Division of the person you are nominating) KSI LadyRukia 7 Co-Founder of Courage,Honor, and Pride Link to Forums Account:http://www.ksiforums...si-ladyrukia-7/ Award-/-Achievement: (The award you are nominating this person for) Trainer,Member Assistance,Silver Outstanding Service Lv2 Reasons/Evidence: It is my greatest pleasure to attest to LadyRukia7's award nomination. Over the past several months I have seen her come up the ranks and everything she has done has been for the better of the Division and whatever squad she was over. When I first joined KSI back in May I was a clueless recruit that didnt know much about KSI or let alone anyone in it. Once I came across her she slowly trained me and gave me the knowledge that I needed to be successful in KSI. Due to her indescribable desire to help members and make sure things were done they way they should be, I feel that these awards suit her very well. Her dedication to her job as a CO-Founder is of someone that knows what they are doing and how to do it well, I have yet to see anyone else match her keen eye for judgement in tough situations; as well as her willingness to get the job done even on her sick days. Over the past couple of months as KSI GZ has had its ups and downs, and even when most of the other members were complaining on and on about how bad things were she was the one that was always keeping things upbeat and in order. Along with her leadership skills, she has developed a very broad and successful training program that has seemed to work for the better in GZ. When she first started the leadership training attendance was not as expected but as she continued on numbers began to grown and change began to happen. Thanks to her some of the squads have split under her rule as a Co-Founder and more are about to. Without her a vast majority of the squads would be in totally different situation as far as members go. As a leader I can always count on her to be online when I have a problem, even when most of KSI is sleeping soundly in their beds. I as a member of KSI would like to see more like her come along in KSI. As long as she has been in KSI, her main objective was to be the best that she could be. In conclusion, I KSI J0NES hereby place my vote on LadyRukia because without her leadership and dedication KSI GZ would not be where it is today. I support and stand by her nomination to the fullest. I am proud to know her and I feel that this nomination was placed upon the right person.
  3. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ImPeRiiuM 7 [Co-Fo - GZ/ Unity,Solace,Freedom] Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-imperiium-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this -This person is the true team player. As a Co-Fo he has shown exemplary leadership skills, not only with handling everyday issues to making squad changing decisions. Ever since I have been in KSI he has always been approachable, regardless of what time of the night (with a few exceptions) it is, he will take the time out of doing whatever he is doing and treat your issue like its the only one that hes dealing with at the time. Over time I have seen him strengthen up as a person and as a leader; from his charismatic attitude towards his members to his sarcastic remarks to brighten up a very serious situation, he has always been someone that knows how to handle business. Imperiium has shown that he has what it takes to make it to the top with no questions asked. I look up to Imperiium as a leader I would like to be like at one point in time. I see him as one of my mentors in KSI, because when I was brand new in KSI this person really showed interest in making sure that I as well as anyone that was new in KSI was welcomed in properly and treated as a regular. I feel that as a person he is best suited for this job and that he was put in this place for a reason and that he deserves it. I have the utmost respect for him as a person and as a leader. Im proud to be apart of one of the squads that he looks after; because without someone like this running things I feel that a squad cant function properly. Hats off to him and all his accomplishments. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Payton - GENERAL, Courage GZ Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums...si-payton-cero/ Reasoning why they deserve this - I never thought that I would ever be recommending Payton for any award any time soon, but Payton has come up from the bottom and made a name for himself. If it were not for him Courage would be in a world of hurt. He has really turned this squad around and kept it going strong. The way he runs the squad in a professional manner, shows that he has matured beyond all expectations. A squad is only as strong as its weakest link but, Payton has done his job so well that we have no weakest link and that shows great determination. I commend him for doing such a great job as a general and as a leader. His dedication to KSI and Courage has shown through his late nights online, his "loud" personality, his enthusiastic way of getting involved and his personal interest in every one of his members. Im proud to say that if it were not for him I would not be in KSI right now. I feel that anyone that meets this kid turned man will learn to love KSI as much as him. He deserves high commendations for the way he has upheld and executed his position as General of KSI Courage. This is a true leader. CPT- Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI x i C o N x - (2 CPT - Ground Zero/HONOR) Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums...si-x-i-c-o-n-x/ Reasoning why they deserve this - ICON, has shown high levels of dedication, to both his squad and KSI as a whole. Hes always the first one to hop in a game lobby with other members not in his squad and play with them and not really seem to show any favoritism to one squad or another. He treats all members with the utmost respect and shows why he deserves to be in the position hes in right now. As a CPT he really stands out to me, for the simple fact that it takes a strong person to be able to deal with issues of his squad and others as well and i commend him for that. Most times you see a leader act their rank just when they are around their squad and he shows leadership in and out of his squad. With that being said I feel that he deserves this award mainly because he puts in the work that needs to be done to accomplish a goal. Honor is the name of the squad he belongs to and Honor is what he deserves, its rare to see someone come out of nowhere join a party check in and then once all is well move on and continue doing that until everyone is at equilibrium. The definition of a leader is one that makes sure his members are taken care of before himself and that is exactly what he does. I see a bright future for this member in days to come.

  5. Welcome to the forums KSIPayton3rd :)



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