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KSI Septicade

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Posts posted by KSI Septicade

  1. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey

    Award forums certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey

    Award Advanced training certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey

    Award rank structure certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7

    Award forums certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7

    Award advanced training certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7

    Award rank structure certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host

    Profile Link if possible

  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7

    Award recruiting certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Forty 7


    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7

    Award basic training certified 

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop

    Profile Link if possible @KSI Forty 7

  3. Forums Name - @Ksi jrjn1

    Award - Basic Training Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - Events in clan ops discord server & KSI Robbie David hosted


    Forums Name - @Ksi jrjn1

    Award - Recruiting Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - Events in clan ops discord server & KSI Robbie David hosted

  4. Love 💜

    Id like to shoutout @KSIxFryed420 for the someone loves you award, even know he's gone through one of the hardest things any person could go through he's come back swinging, stepped up to be an officer and he does all he can to put a smile on everyone's faces, he always tried to spread the love 

  5. This award is awarded to those who have gone through the trenches, gone up against that final boss and persevered against the odds in their dedication to KSI, and I can't think of anymore more deserving of this award than @sHtu1io.gif"KSI WldMama7

    The bards have sung their hymns of her triumphs, I've read the scripturs in all the old texts, I've listened intently to the barkeeps tales and I've had the pleasure of witnessing her most recently feats myself.

    Wild came to KSI when it was still full of toxicity, when someone as strong willed as her would've been at a disadvantage as KSI was unwilling to change, but she persevered and made the changes herself.

    She has fought tooth and nail for every. Single. Member. We have in this great community and she genuinely cares about every last one of them.

    Even as a div lead she's getting involved with gamenights regularly, both attending and hosting.

    She's cleaned up the messes left by her predecessors and she's made KSI great again.

    Which I think we can all appreciate considering how close KSI was to closing it's doors for good.

    We're now approaching 600 active members and growing at an incredible rate, and that's thanks to Wild.

    This Woman is an amazing Div. Lead, and a truly incredible human being.

    I am honored to call her my friend.

  6. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI WAWA @Wawa101








    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord




    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Robbie David @Robbie David 18




    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord

  7. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI WAWA @Wawa101


    Award - Advanced Training Certified


    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord


    Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Robbie David @Robbie David 18

    Award - Advanced Training Certified

    Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord

  8. Just a few months ago I had lost interest in KSI, I was inactive for games, parties and discord.

    @KSI HEFNER reached out to me asking to speak to me, and when I joined his party he managed to convince me to give it another shot.

    He has done this exact approach for a ton of members across KSI.

    This man eats, sleeps and breathes KSI, there's not a single person i can think of who works harder than he does, he knows exactly which members are active, exactly which members need a push, exactly which members are difficult, and most importantly, which members need some breathing space as they're going through a rough time.

    He's even been busy during the Christmas break pulling in new members and keeping the member retention going!

    @KSI HEFNER pushes all of us to be the best we can be, both in KSI and out, no matter our ranks.

    He's a genuinely down to earth guy with a heart of gold and goes above and beyond for every single one of KSI's members, whether they're in his squad or not, he'll always make the time for them.

    The three pillars of KSI are so deeply rooted in @KSI HEFNER that it's second nature to him.

    Fallen wouldn't be what it is today without him, he's moulded the squad to bring immense success in the future.

    If I could nominate him for a higher award I would in a heart beat.

    Much love to you my guy 💜

  9. Category: Senior Leader (Board Of Directors, Senior Directors😞

    Gamertag: KSI SWAG 77

    Forums Account Link / @: @q5WEequ.gifKSI Swag 77

    Reasons they deserve this award: Swag has been working his butt off to ensure that we have the best staff in KSI, that the Discord is engaging and has a space for everything we could possibly need and that we have the best possible resources for training and engagement. Swag frequently talks to members no matter their rank, joins in on gamenights and meetings and makes his presence known, usually by bringing joy and laughter to the members and being an overall good sport, which is what we need down to a T. Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWAG!!


    Category: Leader (co-founder, founder, div leader)

    Gamertag: KSI WldMama7

    Forums Account Link / @: @sHtu1io.gif"KSI WldMama7

    Reasons they deserve this award: Mama treats KSI like an extension of her family, she's always willing to help, whether that's hosting gamenights, helping recruiting, inviting members or just joining in and bringing her general fun attitude with her, Mama has done more for KSI in the few years she's been here than i've seen even some of the OG's putting in, she's forged a new, brighter future for KSI off her own shoulders and you'd have to be a fool to not see it.


    Category: General

    Gamertag: KSI HEFNER

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSI HEFNER

    Reasons they deserve this award: Hefner runs Fallen like its his baby, frequently sacrificing sleep in order to invite those few members or talk to someone who needs someone, he's made Fallen what it is today which is a powerhouse running forward, he ensures we only recruit the best, we only promote those who work for it, that every member gets a fair chance and every member is included, Hefner does his absolute best for Fallen and goes above and beyond every single day. I've never seen a Gen who cares more about the community as a whole than Hefner does.


    Category: Captain (see paradox)

    Gamertag: KSI Tiger 77

    Forums Account Link / @: @mLUcGEb.gifKSI Tiger 77

    Reasons they deserve this award: Tiger is always active within the squad, she frequently hosts gamenights and she's always there when a member needs her, if someone is having a bad day Tiger is the first one to reply and send a party invite to talk to them, she's incredibly hard working and caring, she's an inspiration to every member and sets a fantastic example of not only how to be a good officer/member, but how to be a decent human being.


    Category: Captain: 

    Gamertag: KSI Fire38

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Fire38

    Reasons they deserve this award: even know I'm not in Fire's squad I can still see the amount of work he puts into Valkyrie, he pulls in recruits like its no bodies business, he hosts multiple gamenights every week, and even when he isn't hosting a gamenight you can bet you'll find him gaming with his members, he's one of the most active officers you'll find in KSI and goes above and beyond every single day, he may be an officer for Valkyrie but hes always willing to help out the other Squads when needed, even helping them find recruits when they're struggling.


    Category: Lieutenant:

    Gamertag: KSI Celebi

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Celebi

    Reasons they deserve this award: Celebi is the living embodiment of no KSI member left behind, when he's online you can guarantee you'll get a party invite and game invite within 5 minutes, he takes the pillars of KSI to heart and puts it into his officer duties every single day, he's always helping members and he's always there when you need him.


    Category: SSGT:

    Gamertag: KSI WaviestSnow

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSI WaviestSnow

    Reasons they deserve this award: Wavy has worked hard for his SSGT roll, overcoming his anxieties and doing what's required of him, he's always trying to come up with new ideas on how to improve member retention and enjoys hosting tournaments for the members in his own time, wavy has a Strength of character that is unrivalled by anyone in KSI and his parties are always full of laughs and a generally positive atmosphere, it's like a breath of fresh air.


    Category: SGT: 

    Gamertag: KSIxLEGIONx7

    Forums Account Link / @: @KSIxLEGIONx7

    Reasons they deserve this award: Legion has been going out of his way to help us officers out with our duties, he brings his friend group along into gamenights which instantly livens them up and he got on their cases when we needed to get security checks done, ensuring when they got on he'd pull one of us officers in IMMEDIATELY, he genuinely cares about this community as a whole and wants to do his part to help improve the overall atmosphere of the community.


    Category: Department Head:

    Gamertag: KSI Sub 7

    Forums Account Link / @: @0b4kWaD.gif"KSI Sub 7

    Reasons they deserve this award: Sub has done some amazing work since taking over AAP, he gives his staff the space they need to do their work and gets on their case when required, he's always coming up with innovative ways to improve AAP and make it more enjoyable for the staff, we couldn't ask for a better Head of the Department.


    Category: Department Member:

    Gamertag: KSI Azrael 7

    Forums Account Link / @: @8XDykjm.gif"KSI Azrael 7

    Reasons they deserve this award: Azrael goes above and beyond for AAP, pushing the current topics forward, ensuring the other staff are doing our part whilst also doing more than his fair share, he frequently gets with members to help them get the awards they qualify for and is always doing his best by the department.


    Category: Member (Overall best member of the community for the year):

    Gamertag: KSI PandaLeafy

    Forums Account Link / @: @Bootasious

    Reasons they deserve this award: Panda instantly improves the atmosphere of any Party or gamenight just by his mere presence, he brings a smile to every members face who makes contact with him and he's an absolute pleasure to be around, he cares deeply about the members and does his best to attend every gamenight and meeting that's posted.

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