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KSI Septicade

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KSI Septicade last won the day on January 31 2024

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    KSI Septicade#8504

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KSI Septicade's Achievements


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  1. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey Award forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey Award Advanced training certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ApexJakey @ApexJakey Award rank structure certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7 Award forums certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7 Award advanced training certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 @KSI Forty 7 Award rank structure certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too)evidence is in the event logs and I was the host Profile Link if possible
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 Award recruiting certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI Forty 7 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI FORTY 7 Award basic training certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI Forty 7
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI DarkQueenn 7 @KSI DarkQueen 7 Award - Recruiting Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - Workshop was posted in the event log in discord and I was the host
  4. Forums Name - @Ksi jrjn1 Award - Basic Training Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - Events in clan ops discord server & KSI Robbie David hosted Forums Name - @Ksi jrjn1 Award - Recruiting Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - Events in clan ops discord server & KSI Robbie David hosted
  5. Love 💜 Id like to shoutout @KSIxFryed420 for the someone loves you award, even know he's gone through one of the hardest things any person could go through he's come back swinging, stepped up to be an officer and he does all he can to put a smile on everyone's faces, he always tried to spread the love
  6. This award is awarded to those who have gone through the trenches, gone up against that final boss and persevered against the odds in their dedication to KSI, and I can't think of anymore more deserving of this award than @KSI WldMama7 The bards have sung their hymns of her triumphs, I've read the scripturs in all the old texts, I've listened intently to the barkeeps tales and I've had the pleasure of witnessing her most recently feats myself. Wild came to KSI when it was still full of toxicity, when someone as strong willed as her would've been at a disadvantage as KSI was unwilling to change, but she persevered and made the changes herself. She has fought tooth and nail for every. Single. Member. We have in this great community and she genuinely cares about every last one of them. Even as a div lead she's getting involved with gamenights regularly, both attending and hosting. She's cleaned up the messes left by her predecessors and she's made KSI great again. Which I think we can all appreciate considering how close KSI was to closing it's doors for good. We're now approaching 600 active members and growing at an incredible rate, and that's thanks to Wild. This Woman is an amazing Div. Lead, and a truly incredible human being. I am honored to call her my friend.
  7. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Robbie David @Robbie David 18 Award CAPS CERTIFIED & LEADERSHIP ASSPECTS CERTIFIED Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the workshops and it's also posted in Clan ops on discord
  8. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI DrtyxSushi @KSI DrtyxSushi Award FORUMS CERTIFIED Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I hosted the Workshop and it can also be found in the clan ops discord
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Xenos 7 @KSI IxPandaxI Award Rank Structure Certified & Forums Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) I cohosted the workshops with @KSI Tiger 77 The evidence is also posted in the clan ops discord
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI WAWA @Wawa101 Award - KSI FORUMS CERTIFIED & RANK STRUCTURE CERTIFIED Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Robbie David @Robbie David 18 Award - KSI FORUMS CERTIFIED & RANK STRUCTURE CERTIFIED Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord
  11. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSI WAWA @Wawa101 Award - Advanced Training Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Robbie David @Robbie David 18 Award - Advanced Training Certified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - I held the workshop, the evidence is in the logs on the clan ops discord
  12. Gamertag: KSI Septicade Link to Forums Account: @KSI Septicade Award: OTY Show Attendee Reason/Evidence: sent to @KSISharkie666
  13. My aspiration in this next year is to gain at least 1 promotion in work
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