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About KSIxNamineMoon

  • Birthday August 10

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KSIxNamineMoon's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIseclusiveTwo 2LT Athena DL Link to forums account - @KSIseclusiveTwo Reasoning why they deserve this - seclusive has been an amazing officer since he came back, helping to promote activity in the squad stepping up to the plate and hosting any meetings or game nights that he is needed at. He has great knowledge of ksi and is always willing to help other members with their questions.
  2. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxMaximus Award Train the trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnesses by KSI DARKPARADOX and Luciferr6666666 Profile Link if possible @MaxCajungamer Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxMaximus Award Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnesses by KSI DARKPARADOX and Luciferr6666666 Profile Link if possible @MaxCajungamer
  3. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxMaximus Award Basic training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon Profile Link if possible @MaxCajungamer
  4. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ShadowWolf Award Train the Trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnessed by KSIxD3adSh0t Profile Link if possible @KSI ShadowWolf
  5. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadowo45 General Athena DL Link to forums account - @KSI Shadowo45 Reasoning why the deserve this - I've only been in Athena for a few months and have known shadow for the same amount of time but shadow is the most amazing gen I've met, he makes sure everything is running smoothly in the squad and he knows every member of this squad on a personal lever and doesn't treat people like they are just a number to help our division grow. Shadow has always been there for this squad and each of its members and takes it personally when someone is unhappy or there are issues because athena is his baby. I have never seen a gen so dedicated to a squad and actually break down at the thought of us losing so many members, if that doesn't point out how great he is I don't know what will. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Follow 3CPT Ares DL Link to forums account - @KSI Follow Reasoning why they deserve this - Follow I got to work closely with when we were both in nemesis and it's always a fun time with him in a party. Follow has come up through the ranks in both nemesis and then ares and is doing amazing things in ksi including being in forums departments and apart of the welcoming committee and headhunters. When he sets his mind to something he always gives it 100% and doesn't stop till it is finished. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dundarrach 3LT Nemesis DL Link to forums account - @KSI Dundarrach Reasoning why they deserve this - Since i have known Dun, he has always gotten the job done he will do anything you ask of him without even thinking because he is here to help and that is what makes him an amazing officer I have seen him rise up through the ranks and hope to see him become a captain or even gen in the future because he is a great recruiter, mentor, and person. He is on the headhunters team and is always trying to make sure everything goes smoothly and is enjoyable. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI SnowQueen SSGT Nemesis DL Link to forums account - @KSI SnowQueen Reasoning why they deserve this - I got to meet snow back when she was still called ginswife and barely knew her place in the squad and division but recently she decided to take the bull by the horns and become on officer. She set goals for herself to achieve along the way, how many recruits she needs to get a week and how what it would take to get her husband to join KSI, she has achieved every goal she sets herself and has the great mentality of an officer and future general which I know she is hoping to achieve in the future.
  6. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI ShadowWolf Award Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnessed by KSI DARKPARADOX Profile Link if possible @KSI ShadowWolf Gamertag / Forums Name KSIKillerJuck18 Award Basic training Award Train the trainer Award Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnessed by KSI DARKPARADOX Profile Link if possible @KSIKillerJuck18
  7. Gamertag: KSIxNamineMoon Division: Dare Legions
  8. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Atrain8896 1stLT Nemesis DL Link to forums account - @Atrain8896 Reasoning why they deserve this - Atrain has been a KSI member for a long time, being a captain before and moving up the ranks again to a 1stLT, atrain is very protective of this family and is ready to help and protect any of our members and is always there for his squad putting KSI before his school and home life when he can. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ShadowV SSGT Athena DL Link to forums account - @ShadowVortex69 Reasoning why they deserve this - ShadowV worked his butt off when he was a SSGT, getting recruiter of the month and constantly holding gamenight and recruiting parties he is on the headhunters team for DL and he is a great asset to the team and a great person in general. He worked so hard that he finally got to move up to a 3rdLT a couple weeks ago and he is still working hard to bring us recruits.
  9. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI DARKPARADOX Award Basic training workshop Squad Leadership Train the trainer Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon Profile Link if possible @KSI DARKPARADOX
  10. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Hexyphenia Award Squad Leadership Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnesses by KSIfiremomma7 Profile Link if possible @KSI Hexyphenia
  11. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxSeptember Award Train the trainer Profile Link if possible @September Evidence: hosted by KSIxNamineMoon
  12. Training Workshop hosted by: KSIxNamineMoon Gamertag/Forums Name: KSI ShadowWolf Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required: Attendance KSI ShadowWolf KSIxSeptember KSIxNamineMoon KSI ShadowV KSI Sitachi zombanator334 Profile Link if possible @KSI ShadowWolf Gamertag/Forums Name: KSIxSeptember Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required: Attendance KSI ShadowWolf KSIxSeptember KSIxNamineMoon KSI ShadowV KSI Sitachi zombanator334 Profile Link if possible @September Gamertag/Forums Name: KSI ShadowV Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required: Attendance KSI ShadowWolf KSIxSeptember KSIxNamineMoon KSI ShadowV KSI Sitachi zombanator334 Profile Link if possible @ShadowVortex69 Gamertag/Forums Name: KSI Sitachi Award: Squad Leadership Any evidence if required: Attendance KSI ShadowWolf KSIxSeptember KSIxNamineMoon KSI ShadowV KSI Sitachi zombanator334 Profile Link if possible @KSI Sitachi
  13. Gamertag / Forums Name KSIxnation6678 Award Train the trainer Profile Link if possible @KSIxnation6678 Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Officer Pup Award Train the trainer and Squad Leadership Profile Link if possible @KSI officerpup Any evidence if required: hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnessed by KSI Follow and RaZoRbLaDeFrAnK
  14. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Officer Pup Award basic training Profile Link if possible @KSI Officer Pup Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Dundarrach Award basic training Profile Link if possible @KSI Dundarrach Gamer tag/Forums Name KSI Follow Award Basic training Profile Link if possible @Revamp ash Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) Hosted by KSIxNamineMoon and witnessed by KSI Atrain8896, KSI RestNPeace7, KSI bubbKat, KSIxMidwestSyko, and KSIxD3adSh0t
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