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Everything posted by Wes

  1. I was a witness when he bought Turbodonut's name change back in March. Josh is a generally helpful member to his squad, Midgard so he absolutely deserves this award.
  2. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rocco (General - Asgard LS) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/26149-rocco/ Reasoning why the deserve this - Well well, Asgard LS. The only Halo 5 squad in KSI. Started out as a project squad of only 25 members in February and look how far it's come. And whose been at the helm the entire time? Rocco. From delegating authority, making tough decisions, and steering the ship, KSI Rocco has excelled in managing arguably the most successful squad in Last Strike. Keep it up boss! Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DrDeath (2CPT - Asgard LS) Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/31064-ksi-drdeath/ Reasoning why they deserve this - DrDeath is a newer face to Asgard in regards to changing his name in mid-February and really stepping up the plate from there-on-out. He finds time to recruit, train and mentor members, host game nights, and even found the first Griffball team for the squad. He even took over managing the headhunters team of Asgard after the previous captain left. With a squad split looming, look for KSI DrDeath to be leading his own pack soon.
  3. S/O to the staff for keeping things awesome and updated.

  4. Welcome to the forums bruh

  5. Reddit is life. 

  6. Good luck everyone and most of all have fun.
  7. Tough one but probably The Band.
  8. I stepped away from KSI in 2011 and when I reappeared this Summer. Scotland was in contact with me from the moment I stepped in. He helped aid and knowledge me on the changes in KSI as well as refresh me to the system of how things work. I am now a sergeant in his squad and absolutely say he has mentored me in more than a few ways.
  9. I will vouch for his Outstanding Service. Scotland has been a very resourceful young man for me in my return to KSI since early May. I have been in this community for a very long time and have seen how many individuals apply themselves to KSI and few match Scotland's dedication. First of all, being a squad General for 8 months is outstanding on it's own. General is one of the most challenging positions and the length of his hold on that position reflects his skill as both a leader and a mentor to his squad members. Scotland is an extremely active member by KSI standards, utilizing communications that not every KSI leader takes advantage of (i.e. the forums) and always being readily available to chat with members. He is based in the United Kingdom and even with work, he finds plenty of time to be online and dedicate himself to his KSI duties pushing far past the normal wake hours for someone from his region. Finally, the status of his squad last I checked was 89 members. 89 active members in Echo LS with I believe almost/over half of them with KSI in their gamertag. Absolutely amazing. I am shocked that Scotland did not already possess Outstanding Service Grade 1 and honestly think he deserves Grade 2 with the amount of work he has put both towards Echo LS and the KSI community as a whole. Scotland, keep up the great work and lead by example - how you approach KSI will help better mold the future leaders of our community and set the standard for the model member.
  10. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI DC SNIPER77 - Harmonic Destruction Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/user/12546-dcxsniper/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This Co-Founder has gone above and beyond his line of duty in the past month. When a General of a squad unexpectedly stepped down, DC was there to take over and make sure the squad didn't implode itself. Recently, he requested me to be transferred to such squad to take it over. I now talk to DC on a daily basis and see how hard he works and how much he cares about HD and the KSI community as a whole. He's got a whole lot of heart and a strive to push HD's squads forward. Our boy deserves this one.
  11. Hard work will always pay off.

  12. Will be unbanned from shoutbox/posting someday lol

  13. Started as a pledge and now I'm here!

  14. Baby you a song, make me wanna roll my windows down and cruuuuuise

  15. united states of awesome

  16. Various women I'm swimming in like a shark

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