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Everything posted by EpicRaven126637

  1. Ksi raven12 http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46847-epicraven126637/ award: new member certification evidence attended new member workshop person who ran ksi countrified
  2. Gamer tag ksi waviest snow reasoning. I didn’t know too many people when i transfered to vanquish with exception to wavy and a few others. Wavy always helped me and everyone else out and even if he’s busy in real life he does his best to help us. Wavy was the person to mentor me and in a few short weeks I was able to do everything such as role call and posting gamenight hosting meetings and tons of other things all thanks to him
  3. Rip the man wasn’t that bad. Can’t u let him back in 

    1. Toxic4Recruit


      They won’t let me back in till they are either in good terms with tsb or tsb dies would be nice though I miss all my friends 

    2. EpicRaven126637
    3. Toxic4Recruit


      Only like 2 months and I can retry applying 

  4. Name KSI Skychild skychild is an awesome gen who does nothing but help people. He placed his responsibilities as a genral over having fun and playing which means stuff gets done faster and better. Sky child doesn’t slack off and he deserves this award
  5. GT KSI T1ger award rec- outstanding service tiger is always on to help people and work with them and never doesn't have time to listen. she woks very hard for ksi and wd and cyanide is lucky to have tiger as a gen
  6. Bo4 when it comes out and modern warfare remastered would be cool. Just seeing more competitiveness in the clan would be cool in general regardless of the game.but still cod division wide gamenights would be fun
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