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KSI SasquatchX

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KSI SasquatchX last won the day on October 21 2020

KSI SasquatchX had the most liked content!


About KSI SasquatchX

  • Birthday 05/21/1987

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  • Interests
    Tacos, beer, and butt
  • Gamertag
    KSI SasquatchX
  • Date Recruited
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    KSI SasquatchX

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  1. DL checking in. Let's blow this thing up. #WeAreDL
  2. Div Leader Gamertag(Rank Division/Squad) - KSIfiremomma7/Division leader/all of DL Link to forums account - @KSIfiremomma7 Reasoning why they deserve this- Firemomma has always been the mortar keeping the squads together and seeing the division itself grow and move forward as a unit. She truly is an amazing leader within the community and deserves recognition Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Follow/Captain/DL/Ares Link to forums account - @KSI Follow Reasoning why they deserve this - this captain has shown great understanding and leadership skills through his time in Ares he works hard and deserves recognition for all his hard work juggling multiple departments and CPT duties and still finds time to game and relax with the lower ranking members. Definitely an upcoming leader within our community. Lieutenant Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hexyphenia/LT/DL/Ares Link to forums account - @KSI Hexyphenia Reasoning why they deserve this - This rising leader within the ranks is another who shows great understanding and leadership skills. She brings an energy to her squad that is unique only to her. Always willing to learn more and help others she is definitely a deserving candidate for OTM
  3. Team Captain: KSI SasquatchX Division: DL Teammate: Tallcascade7726 Division:DL Teammate: Dexsra Division: DL
  4. Since I've been here in KSI, firemomma has been the staple in every conversation. First introduction she was friendly and welcoming. As time went on i noticed the work that came along with her position in the community. She is always insightful and has given good advice and detailed information on any and all questions or concerns. She is always professional when it comes to the community and will lend an ear for conversation on a personal stand when needing to vent. Best of luck firemomma we are routing for you
  5. What to say here. Well the man in question here is a grade A leader and mentor. He is always helpful and professional when it comes to community issues/ideas. Being mentored by him has taught me many things and i continue to look toward him for questions and advice. Prophecy deserves this reward because of his professional mentality and helpful nature. Best of luck brother prophecy
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