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About x5UP3Rx

  • Birthday 12/08/1998

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  • Date Recruited
    July 7, 2018
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  1. Team Captain: KSI SUP3R DIV - DW Teammate: KSI VENUM 7 DIV - DW
  2. Maybe Battlefield 5, Rainbow Six, Apex Legends, Ghost Recon, and PUBG how about it @VENUM 7
  3. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI SUP3R(Both) Award: New Member certified Evidence: Workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSIxMotoMoto
  4. Team Captain: KSI SUP3R Division: DW Teammate: KSIJETLIFE Division: DW Teammate: KSI SLATE Division: DW
  5. Host - KSI SUP3R KSI x SCORPIO Attendance - KSI Harmony 7 Wolfe xG KSIJETLIFE103 KSI SLATE KSI HellsKnight WIZ0P ragingone86
  6. Hosted by: KSI SUP3R Attendance: Krimson III KSI Dovahkiin 6 KSI SLATE KSIJETLIFE103 Vlxtch KSI WikkedKlown BuckWhite07
  7. Mr. Venum, along with some other 7's and officers has definitely helped me out when it came to improving as an officer and was a big support system for me. Then again, not just me/ I've noticed that he's been helping some recruits and also some that wish to rank up in KSI. I would definitely say that Venum is a really good nomination. He's a great officer, leader, and is very dependable when it comes to getting work done.
  8. My overall and probably the best band in the world would have to be Of Mice & Men
  9. Bad Boys II because it was probably the best action packed with comedy at the same and was the best in the world
  10. Chicago Blackhawks and the Montreal Canadiens
  11. Favorite Team: New England Patriots Favorite Player: Rob Gronkowski
  12. Glad to be a new member of KSI. It feels great to be a part of an organization that's well-rounded and have people to open up to in any sort. DW4L!!!

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