I haven't been in KSI long, but Cherry has been one of the more natable people I see in my div since I've been here. Once I met her for the second time I started to get this feeling when I'm around any of the gens or 7s in my div like cherry is there. I can feel it in the back of my head a piece of cherry in all of them, she is an amazing leader and all of them take a piece of her wisdom and use it every day in KSI. She's always a nice person but you can feel an undertone that commands a level of respect and civility from everyone. She has that perfect medium that gets the point across that she is your friend, but she doesn't want any bullPoop. If Cherry is online she's always willing to answer questions, or solve problems. She's always there when she can be if you need her. She's one of the most reliable leaders in KSI, and an over all great role model for everyone.