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KSI Folkstyle

The Shadow Realm
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Everything posted by KSI Folkstyle

  1. Friendly- Verified- Yes Wasted Life- Verified- Yes Capped Out- can we please hear from the two witnesses.
  2. KSI Fergie: Gamerscore Hoarder- Verified- Yes KSI OneAboveAll: Gamerscore Hoarder- Verified- Yes KSI Galahad: Gamerscore Hoarder/Master- Verified- Yes
  3. KSI Voltz: Gamerscore Hoarder- Verified- Yes KSI Hellsknight: Gamerscore Hoarder- Verified- Yes KSI ApolloBelow: Member Assistance- 1/3
  4. @KSI AWOLAWOLAWOLAWOLAWOAWOLAWAWOAWOLAWAWOLAWOLAWOL Idk how to fix this sorry^ legen-ripple effect- yes
  5. Meta awards through Three Cheers: Verified
  6. Name: KSI Skychild Link to Forums Account: @KSI Skychild Award-/-Achievement: Outstanding Service Level One Reason-/-Evidence: Skychild is the first person I met outside of Cyanide when I joined KSI. He is very outgoing and promotes his members and officers engaging outside of the squad and talking to other members. Skychild is a great role model for his squad, he does a lot of hard work and it shows inside his squad: Vanquish which is now over 80 active members. Skychild puts the safety of his squad before his own when there is an iminent threat Skychild puts himself out in the open so that he can give our division the information we need to keep our memebers safe. Skychild doesn't take bullPoop, he keeps his officers in line so that his members can enjoy their time in KSI.
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