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KSI Zeuskillr21

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About KSI Zeuskillr21

  • Birthday 03/24/1996

Profile Information

  • Gamertag
    KSI Zeuskillr21
  • Date Recruited
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  • Rank/Title
    4th LT

Contact Methods

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    KSI Zeuskillr21

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KSI Zeuskillr21's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. KSI Zeuskillr21 gamertag: KSI Brunan 7 link in forums: @KSI BRUNAN 7 award: os lvl 1 reason: It is my pleasure to recommend KSI Brunan 7 for the os lvl 1 award. As a founder of our squad, I have seen Ksi Brunan 7 working with members to ensure their comfort and security within our gaming community. In many ways exceeding the challenging requirements and expectations for the award, KSI Brunan 7's ambitions, intelligence, and accomplishments complement precisely the stellar community of past recipients and make him highly deserving of the honor and opportunity bestowed by the os lvl 1 award. He works tirelessly to update his knowledge of our products, standards, and COC as it changes. As a Founder, he has been effective at teaching his skills to the officers below him and leading them by example. I feel confident that you will agree that KSI Brunan 7 is the most deserving candidate for this award.
  2. Gamer tag: KSI Athydian link to forums: @KSI Athydian award: os lvl 1 Reason: this man goes above and beyond when it comes to our squad. When he’s at work he will come on and jump into everyone’s parties to check in on everyone. And when he gets home he will make the effort to play with every single member we have and if he can’t he try to play with the people he couldn’t make it to the day before, he is always making sure the squad is active and having fun. He also listens to everyone’s problems and tries to give them the best advise he can. He’s very supportive, caring, fun, amusing, and a great gamer. His dedication to the squad to make it a better gaming community for the squad members is why I believe he deserves this award.
  3. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Zeuskillr21 Award: new beginners training Evidence: training by KSI Sexymoma Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Sexymoma
  4. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Zeuskillr21 Award: new beginners certification Evidence: training class witnessed by KSI Sexymoma Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Sexymoma
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