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Minion xo

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Everything posted by Minion xo

  1. So me and a friend were discussing which drink is the best when having breakfast so i decided to open up the floor to you delightful bunch to help answer the question...
  2. Community Trivia Night Date: Saturday, December 22nd Time: 7:00pm EST Maximum Team Size: 7 Players (divisional-based teams only) Trivia categories include: Food, Disney, Movies, Gaming, Animals, and more! Entries: Team Captains, please register by posting the template below. Message @KSI xMinion for more information! Division: Team Captain: Teammate #1: Teammate #2: Teammate #3: Teammate #4: Teammate #5: Teammate #6
  3. Category: Division Leader Gamertag; KSI Gary 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Gary 7 Reasons they deserve this award: When i joined KSI, Gary was the division leader of DW. I believe he deserves this without a shadow of a doubt as when he was div leader he made sure that he made time for all his members both professionally and socially, he’s always positive and is forever making light of bad situations and even though he is no longer of DW anymore he still makes himself available for advice and guidance. He handles all issues tactfully and respectfully and is very approachable. He has great leadership qualities and i believe that because of that he is where he is today. Category: Co-Division Leader Gamertag; KSI HAVOC 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI Havoc 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Where do i start? Havoc is the definition of KSI. He is always sharing his fountain of knowledge with everyone whenever he can, and will take the time to make sure you understand things no matter what he’s doing. He really is the true definition of caring and compassionate. He handles issues immediately and always looks at the bigger picture exploring all outlooks rather than taking the easy option. He is a born leader and mentor, treating everyone as equals rather than numbers. Havoc is full of nothing but positivity giving you the assurance and motivation you need when you’re full of self doubt. Category: Founder Gamertag; KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link: @KSI xKing 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King is the reason i am where i am today. Back when i first joined i had absolutely no interest in being an officer as i had severe self esteem issues but it was through his guidance and mentoring that i found my courage and motivation to start recruiting and found my feet as an officer. It’s through Kings encouragement that i found my voice within KSI and his leadership skills are those that i aspire to portray myself. He always has the communities best interest at heart and always brings positivity and entertainment to the table. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag; KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link: @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Venum is a fierce leader. He is always positive and cares deeply for everybody. One of his best qualities is his compassion and the care he shows everybody individually. Whenever i have doubted my ability to succeed as an officer he has always been at hand to encourage and listen. He is fair and just and when you are wrong he will tell you and help find a resolution to your problem. Venum has helped to remind me of my Why on countless occasions. He treats everybody as equals showing preferential treatment to nobody. He is honest, loyal and trusting, all great attributes of a great leader. Category: Captain Gamertag; KSI Bane 7 Forums Account Link: @King Bane Reasons they deserve this award: Anybody that knows Bane knows that he’s all about fun. Whether he is promoting community events, streaming or just hanging with members in general everybody knows him as light hearted and upbeat. He is entertaining, funny and free spirited. These are all qualities that make him the great leader that he is, because despite all of this, he is a team player. he is all about equal opportunities and working together to achieve together. Recently becoming General of Samurai, Bane has shown great leadership skills by communicating effectively with our squad. He takes the time to listen to the needs and ideas of the members giving everybody equal opportunities to voice their opinions and suggestions. He’s not afraid to act a little silly and joke around but he always steps up and takes his role seriously handling issues in a professional manner. He is always positive and fair and that is why i believe he deserves this OTY nomination. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag; KSI Majesty Forums Account Link: @KSI Majesty Reasons they deserve this award: Since joining, Majesty has always strived to achieve greatness for both our squad and division. She always has the best interest of the community at heart and is headstrong and fearless. she isn’t afraid to call you out when she believes there is room for improvement. She is honest and fiercely loyal. She is a both great partner and an admirable officer. She is fair and makes time for all members of the squad. Majesty is approachable and sweet natured and it is because of this that all members feel they can go to her with any issue they have, whether it be KSI related or otherwise. Although we have had our fair share of clashes we always come through stronger and better than before. Majesty motivates me to be better and do better and we each compliment each other’s weaknesses. With her integrity i can see her having a bright future in KSI Leadership. Category: Member Gamertag; KSI FadeZ 7 Forums Account Link: @KSI FadeZ 7 Reasons they deserve this award: it’s no huge secret that when i met FadeZ i wasn’t his greatest fan and kinda held him at arms length but boy did he prove me wrong. he has proven himself to be a great trustworthy ally and a strong support system, he is honest and true and always willing to share his insight and wisdom. FadeZ is all about honesty and is very easy to communicate and talk to. Though he is not overly huge on talking he is always there to listen and advise. His wit and light humour are admirable qualities and he is respected throughout the community. I truly appreciate him for his loyalty and people skills.
  4. if you had to choose a flavour of ice cream to describe your personality, what flavour would you be and why?
  5. @Kalakoi link has been corrected Gamertag: KSI Keidil Award: Train The Trainer Evidence: sat through my workshop Link to forums account: @Keidil
  6. Name: KSIxMinion Link to Forums Account: @KSI xMinion Award-/-Achievement: Ripple Effect Reason-/-Evidence: 11 awards Requested Staff Award(s): Winter is coming
  7. Gamertag / Forums Name - KSIxMotoMoto Award - Basic Training Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too) - attended workshop with @KSI Majesty Profile Link if possible - @Mar7yTheZebra69
  8. Gamertag: KSI Keidil Award: Train The Trainer Evidence: sat through my workshop Link to forums account: @Keidil
  9. Gamertag: KSI Dovahkiin 6 Award: Basic Training & Train The Trainer Evidence: sat through the workshops with me Link to forums account: @TheChosenOne896
  10. Gamertag: KSIxMotoMoto Award: Train The Trainer Evidence: Sat through the workshop with myself Link To Forums Account: @Mar7yTheZebra69
  11. Apollo is always there to help anyone in need of it. i have witnessed apollo many times helping members of the community, advising and offering help. Apollo is always on hand to help you with problems whether they be KSI related or otherwise, all round great person at the end of the day ☺️
  12. Name: KSI VENUM 7 Link to Forums Account: @VENUM 7 Award-/-Achievement: Mentor Reason-/-Evidence: Venum has been there for me since i first joined and is always there to aid and assist me when i need it. he never fails to advise and is always there to listen and give a helping hand. he is kind, generous and courteous, all fine qualities of an amazing mentor.
  13. Name: KSI xMinionLink to Forums Account: @KSI xMinionAward-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub ClubReason-/-Evidence: i’m subscribed to the ksilive twitch channel
  14. Gamertag: KSI LinkedSirenForums Account: @KSI LinkedSirenAward: Basic TrainingEvidence: sat in my workshop
  15. Gamertag: KSI Stargate V Forums Account: @KSI Stargate Award: Basic Training Evidence: sat in my workshop
  16. Nebula is one of the most genuine people i have met in KSI. He is always willing to help others no matter who they are and constantly encourages them to reach the potential they can’t see in themselves. he is a funny and polite young man and will drop whatever he is doing to join a party or a game and mingle with members of the division. Since joining KSI, he was one of the first people i gamed with and from the moment of meeting him he has helped me overcome issues within KSI, games i couldn’t complete on my own and my personal life aswell. he takes great pride of our division and is constantly striving to make sure it is a positive caring environment for every individual in it. he is the kind of person that sees the good in everyone and won’t give up on someone even if they seem to have given up on themselves. he is both a great friend and mentor which is why i feel he is deserving of this award.
  17. i would also like to witness for Venum.. since joining KSI, Venum has been nothing but kind and supportive. he is always there to offer advice and assistance whenever you need him and regardless of the time of day if he can help you he does.. he is a genuinely kind person and cares for everyone in the community equally regardless of rank. He has helped me out on many occasions and is always there to listen to any problem you have whether it be personal or within the community. You can always find him mixing with members of the community and having a laugh and joke and he makes sure that every member feels included and accepted. in my opinion, this award should be his 100%
  18. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI xMinion @KSI xMinion Award: new member certified Evidence: completed new members workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI VENUM 7
  19. there is no doubt in my mind that KSI xKing 77 deserves this award. ever since joining KSI the guy has had my back and he is always pushing me to do and be my best. he is a true friend that always makes time for everyone and you can go to him with anything and everything and even if he can’t help he will sure as hell try.. even when he is faced with his own difficulties in life he still puts the members needs before his own. he is trusting, selfless and loyal to a fault and his service to the community doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. he is compassionate and willing to help others, even when they aren’t willing to help themselves and that is why i believe he deserves this.
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