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Minion xo

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Minion xo last won the day on January 6 2019

Minion xo had the most liked content!

About Minion xo

  • Birthday 09/20/1993

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    UK / Wales
  • Gamertag
    KSI xMinion
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    Divine Warriors
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    KSI xMinion#1234
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  1. Category: Senior Leader/Board Member Gamertag: KSI December 77 Forums Account Link / @: @December Reasons they deserve this award: December has worked his ass off this year to ensure that things run as smoothly as they can. He has faced many obstacles but pushed forward and persevered through every one. He is very community orientated and does a lot to help maintain a healthy working environment for all members. He gives a lot of his time to the KSI and is very driven in the sense that he doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into organising and marketing events for everyone. He’s a highly intelligent individual and isn’t afraid to point out and correct you when you’re in the wrong. He helps you in a way that’s not condescending and douchey. For someone with a strong sense of sarcastic humour, he is very patient. Though there are those out there that only see the tough guy act he puts on, he’s a sweetheart really who would do anything for anyone within reason. That and he makes some pretty dope graphic requests. Category: Division Leader Gamertag: KSI VENUM 7 Forums Account Link / @: @VENUM 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Venum is a fierce leader. He is always positive and cares deeply for everybody. One of his best qualities is his good heart and ability to not just listen but hear. He is fair and when you are wrong he will tell you so. Venum has helped to remind me of my Why on countless occasions. He treats everybody as equals showing preferential treatment to nobody. He is honest, loyal and trusting, all great attributes of a great leader. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI MR MOTO Forums Account Link / @:@KSIxMotoMoto Reasons they deserve this award: MOTO is a genuinely good honest person. He puts his all into everything he does and makes sure he sets aside time for everyone. He aids and assists all members in his squad making sure they’re all content and enjoying their time in the community. He’s an inspirational person to look up to both as a superior and a friend and it’s truly a privilege to be in the same division as him. Category: Department Member Gamertag: KSI WHISKEY7 Forums Account Link / @:@KSI WHISKEY 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Although I haven’t known this guy for long he truly is a top notch fella. He puts in a lot of work and dedication to the news team and strives to make sure everything runs smoothly as possible. He is extremely understanding and helps wherever he can however he can. His wit and light humour are admirable qualities and he is respected throughout the community. Category: Overall Member Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @: @Chi Town’s Finest Reasons they deserve this award: He’s a kind, genuine, patient soul, he’s respectful, courteous and above all else he is fair. He is also extremely humorous and is always there with a fresh scoop of banter and jokes. He is always down to game or just to chill. He is extremely generous and is always available to lend an ear, offer advice or a controller! Kami has been there for me since I first joined back in May 2018 and I still appreciate everything he has and continues to teach me both in KSI and real life.
  2. If there’s anyone in this community that deserves their OS3 it’s Vennii. He has always been there for me whether it’s to give advice and guidance on personal life issues when i’ve asked for it, or to advise me on how to be a more effective and efficient officer when i was one.. He taught me how to present myself in a better manner. He always makes time for every member regardless of who they are and will drop what he is doing in a heartbeat to help them. Vennii constantly encourages others to reach the potential they can’t see in themselves. He’s a kind, genuine, patient soul, he’s respectful, courteous and above all else he is fair. He is also extremely humorous and is always there with a fresh scoop of banter and jokes. He is always down to game or just to chill. When there is a time a conversation needs to be had he will make sure he makes the time for it. He is the kind of person that sees the good in everyone and won’t give up on someone even if they seem to have given up on themselves, he will always give them chances and advice on how to improve on things and guide them on their way to be better more effective versions of themselves. He’s an inspirational person to look up to both as a superior and a friend and it’s truly a privilege to be in the same division as him. I aspire to be as effective and honest as VenVen one day as i feel he is a great leader and team player.
  3. Gamertag: KSI xMinion Profile Link: @KSI xMinion Award: Committed Any evidence if required: Been in KSI for a year
  4. Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Profile Link: @KSI xKamikaze Award: Committed Any evidence if required: Been in KSI for a year
  5. Name: KSI xMinion Link to Forums Account: @KSI xMinion Award-/-Achievement: Forums Newb, Meta Award for 15 (On Point) (Requesting Garyetta Please ) Meta Award for 20 (Round of Applause) (Requesting Scotlands Jacobites please ) Reason-/-Evidence: have 271 posts and 25 awards
  6. Fadez is a wise caring person who welcomes everyone he meets. The very first time we met he was funny and chatty and very approachable, however after certain events transpired we ended up disliking each other for like no reason (which luckily we can both now look back on and laugh) yet even though we (mostly me) were basically being stupid, he still remained to be professional and handle things like a true pro does. No matter what gets thrown at him he handles it calmly and with dignity, admirable qualities that are clearly reflected by his standing within the community. Fadez has his fingers in many different departmental pies; •Court Judge •HSI Head •Join Moderator •News Team Member to name a few, which yet again is surely proof that he is worthy of the OS Level 2 award.. Fadez is always there on the sidelines to offer wisdom, advice and guidance regardless of the topic of conversation is.. He makes himself available to advise on situations both KSI and non KSI related.. If you’re struggling to find your Why or you need advice on where your heading next, he has your back.. One of his best qualities is his compassion and the interest he shows to everybody individually. Whenever i have doubted my ability to succeed as an officer he has always been at hand to encourage and listen. He has helped me personally to better myself as an officer by giving me tips and advice from his past experiences aswell as sitting in parties with me to do mock recruitments. When I doubted myself as a writer he would stay up to help me make things make sense. Every time I can’t find my way around the forums he’s there. Its this kind of support and care is one of Fadez’ most admirable qualities and the best part is, he is like this with everyone... if you need help within any area of KSI you can guarantee he will be there to help or will point you in the direction of somebody who can.. Fadez puts a lot of his free time into KSI and tries to do everything he can to help as many as can in whichever way he can. He is one of the most dedicated people I know and it’s his charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent that make him Ru Paul’s next- I mean the deserving recipient of this Award. I truly appreciate him for his loyalty, compassion and pride in all that he does. He is beyond trustworthy and he truly is a diamond in the rough, I personally am glad that I have the privilege of knowing him. #DaddyLiiiiiiiiiike
  7. I’m also here to witness for Harmony. From the moment i joined DW she was there, warm welcoming..an all round ray of sunshine. I didn’t want to be an officer at first but when i finally took the leap and decided to do so, even though we were both in different squads she went out of her way to help me out and support me throughout my journey. Harmony is kind to all, she always goes above and beyond with members and is always laughing and joking with all in the community. Aswell as being a 2CPT in Hannibal she is constantly entertaining everybody with her fire articles, memes, pictures, jokes and cooking tips. If you ever find yourself in a jam in need of someone to talk things through, you better believe she’s already there waiting to give you the help/advice/ear to listen to... Harmony is extremely hardworking, kind, passionate and dedicated to KSI. She deserves this OS1
  8. Hmmm where to start? I mean, I could the start with last years award show, where our lovely Greenday decided she was gunna stay in the party for the majority of the show. I could briefly touch upon the fact that she tries (and fails) to steal Fadez away from me like ALL the time - bless her little cotton socks, she never learns he’s actually loyal to me. I could bring up the fact that she pierces everybody's eardrums when she gets super excited (which is quite a lot) or I could just simply say that drama sticks to Natalie like a tramp on chips. I feel like a screenwriter would have a field day writing a play about her life as it is just chocca block full of drama. Plus she also said if i didn’t witness she’d cut me, so there’s that too i guess.
  9. Havoc plays a fundamental role in KSI. He has his finger in so many department pies he may as well be a baker. Havoc is genuinely one of the most down to earth people i’ve had the privilege of meeting since joining KSI back in May 2018. He is honest, caring, hard working and above all else super respectful. Havoc is extremely gentle and has a magical way of resolving issues so when all is said and done it didn’t even seem like there was an issue to begin with. He does a hell of a lot for the community and is always looking to help members better themselves and the community along with it. Havoc constantly encourages others to reach the potential they can’t see in themselves. He will always make time for members regardless of what he has going on in his personal life, whether it’s to discuss hands on business or to just chill in a party and watch a film with you. Havoc is extremely considerate in the sense that he is the kind of person that sees the good in everyone. He refuses to give up on someone even if they seem to have given up on themselves. He is always willing to give people chances and advice on how to improve on things when many others wouldn’t and he guides them on their way to be better more effective versions of themselves. He won’t hesitate to host a workshop, game night or meeting and doesn’t act like he’s above everyone. He treats everybody equally and doesn’t show favouritism amongst members. Havoc is a fearless individual with an incredible kind heart and his leadership is incredible. Havoc deserves his OS3 without a shadow of a doubt.
  10. Name: December 77 Link to Forums Account: @Hear Me Roar Award-/-Achievement: OS3 Reason-/-Evidence: Where to start with December... Well i’ve only known him for about 4 months now since I joined the News team. Right from the get go, he has been an amazing mentor and department head. December is understanding and extremely tolerant and although he strives to build this bad boy persona, he’s actually a really genuine and charismatic guy. He teaches you how to do things and explains them in a way that doesn’t make you feel like you’re getting a lecture or being told and helps you understand things in a way that doesn’t make you feel stupid. He is very “about the community” and does a lot to help maintain a healthy working environment for all members. He is very ‘by the people for the people’ and doesn’t hesitate to throw himself into organising and marketing events for everyone. December is undeniably one of the most reliable department heads i know. He is innovative, disciplined and exceptionally hard-working. Loyalty and open mindedness are traits that nobody will argue he possesses. Ideas are always listened to and he doesn’t just listen, he hears. He’s a highly intelligent individual and isn’t afraid to point out and correct you when your grammar isn’t as it should be. For all the reasons listed above, this is why I believe KSI December 77 deserves his OS Level 3 award.
  11. Gamertag: KSI xMinion Division: Divine Warriors
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