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KSI Shadow007

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Everything posted by KSI Shadow007

  1. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Follow Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/47334-ksi-follow/ Reasoning why they deserve this - Follow is a Captain of Ares but he doesn’t just hold that responsibility he is part of Marketing, T & E, and News. While successfully keeping his position strong in Ares he keeps up with all his other duties. On top of it he is on the Head hunters team and shows up to almost every match (if he doesn’t fall asleep ”inside joke for him”). He is consistent and a strong officer within DL and a huge part of KSI. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xEpsilon Link to forums account - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/48562-ksi-xepsilon/ Reasoning why they deserve this - This member joined in late May but he has came in and grew Athena and showed the officers up not with just recruiting. He has shown worry and care for people going thru stuff that he only recently meet. He has shown me what a officer should resemble and I feel her will become the next line of great officers.
  2. Team Captain: KSI Shadowo45 Division: DL Teammate: KSI Shadowv Division: DL Teammate: KSI KiranTynan Division: DL
  3. Title- KSI shadowo45 Novice Rec Name: KSI Shadowo45 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Shadowo45 Award-/-Achievement: 2019 Donor Reason-/-Evidence: @Mr. DropShotwill witness
  4. Title- KSI Shadowo45 Legen and Winter is coming Name: KSI Shadowo45 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Shadowo45 Award-/-Achievement: Legen - attain 5 or more awards
  5. Title- KSI shadowo45 2019 dono Name: KSI Shadowo45 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Shadowo45 Award-/-Achievement: 2019 Donor Reason-/-Evidence: I have gifted at least 10 subs on the KSILive twitch.
  6. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Dropshot 7 Link to forums account - @Mr. DropShot Reasoning why they deserve this - He has been carrying a tag with him most of his time as a 7, he also follows thru with his responsibilities and going above and beyond. He is a court judge, Co Head of Marketing, and a member of T&E. He also is the manager for our HH team and plays almost every match. He also sets up practices for our members including the reserves. He is someone who makes it so everyone is is able to participate. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Shadowv Link to forums account - @ShadowVortex69 Reasoning why they deserve this - This past month he has stepped up to become a officer that can be trusted and be able to do his duties and assist others on top of his regular duties.
  7. What can I say about follow well maybe its easier to explain in list Always there to help: This man has changed squads just to support not just that squad but the division as a whole Helping those in need: He is a member of Ares, he doesn't need to be part of the Head hunters team which consists of a lot of practice for BO4 but he knew we needed people who want to practice. Always going above and beyond: This man is in Marketing, welcoming committee, and possible T&E like this man is someone who helps everyone if needed even helping so they don't get burned out. He does fantastic work in all he does so he is able to help others without worries. He is always there for a game night no matter the squad OR DIVISION, their isn't many people you can say that are willing to play and help any division without a second thought. This man can and will do anything he can to help KSI grow I believe he is a amazing officer, clan member, and friend to not just me but to all of KSI
  8. Gamertag: KSIxSeptember Award: Basic Training Evidence: Sat through basic trading hosted by myself Account: @September
  9. These 2 have dragged DL from the dead to Alive again and have kept us a dominating force with not even the highest members. They have carried squads on there back while running the whole div. They have had generals disappear off the map and have reassembled squads with no help. These 2 are people who wont let anything just die they will always go down fighting
  10. Division Leader Gamertag: KSIfiremomma7 Forums Account Link @KSIfiremomma7 This person has been amazing mentor to myself as well as those around her. She is always there if you need anything from how to do something in KSI to needed advise for real life situation. She has lead DL with great wisdom. She is one of my most respected mentors and she is what makes Dark Legion, Dark Legion. She has brought back Dark legion from being merdge to becoming a amazing division, she has always worked hard and pushed others to do the best. Co - Founder Gamertag; KSI DropShot 7 Forums Account Link @Mr. DropShot Dropshot is someone that you can count on if you need anything technical. He is someone that is dedicated to KSI in many forms he is in marketing and a co-founder. He is a mentor not to just myself but all my officers and is always there to help out and put others first even with his busy schedule. He is always willing to put new ideas to the test weither we think they are going to succeed or not so that way we learn. Dropshot always gets our officers to think more into the problem and figure it put themselves to inhance there ability to grow. Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI DrangonRider Forums Account Link @KSIDrangonRider I don’t know if I can even say all of which this man has done. In simple terms he has been someone that goes above and beyond in all he does, if he has to learn something he tries to get it down asap so that he can be of help to Athena grow and become the successful squad it has become. He always is asking what he can do not just to improve himself but the squad. I can see this man becoming a amazing General one day. SGT/SSGT Gamertag: KSIPooFlngngMnky Forums Account Link @PooFlngngMnky This man stepped up when ares needed help with officer positions and has gone above and beyond to help both squads. He was a huge help with the ares squad split which brought Athena into creation. He assists in training workshops and is always there if help is needed.
  11. Gamertag: KSI Shadowo45 Award: Basic Training Evidence: Sat through basic trading hosted by myself Account: @KSIDrangonRider
  12. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Shadowo45 Award: New member certification Evidence: KSI bubbakat hosted workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI bubbakat
  13. Drop Shot has been a good mentor to me as a new gen and is always willing to help me learn to become a better officer he is always there when you have a serious question and is always there to assist you to doing the right thing. He has helped me thru all of the difficulties that a fresh squad split comes with. In the end I could say he is not doing just his job he is going above and beyond that to build DL.
  14. KSI Shadowo45 Gamerscore Hoarder @KSI Shadowo45
  15. KSI Shadowo45 GamerScore Hoarder & Master @KSI Shadowo45
  16. Team Captain: KSIDrangonRider Division DL Teammate: KSIxRussx Division: DL Teammate: A Present Fart Division: DL
  17. Team Captain: KSI Shadowo45 Division DL Teammate: KSI Herohue2003 Division: DL Teammate: KSI Dread803 Division: DL
  18. As a up and coming member I can say Prophecy has always been somebody to lead you in the right direction whether is is needing information or leading a division to become a amazing group of people. As a member of Ares for 2 years I have seen people leave but when there is a void that needs filled he is the man to count on. He has filled in for gens and made the group stronger every time and that isn't just luck it is his courage and commitment to KSI, and to us. He is the man you can always count on. He is a member of KSI that has kept not just Ares but Dark Legion strong and I know we will carry on his will.
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