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tiredCalico last won the day on November 24 2019

tiredCalico had the most liked content!


About tiredCalico

  • Birthday 08/27/1995

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    KSI Calico
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  1. Name: KSI Barb130 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Barb130 Award-/-Achievement: OS Lvl 1 Reason-/-Evidence: Every time Barb is hanging out with everyone shes multitasking with coming up with new ways to improve relations with all our members, or reminding our officers for attendance ect. In addition, she doesn't hesitate to lift someone else up or call them out for something good, so others notice their efforts. When it comes to outstanding Barb's definitely the first to come to mind, especially with all the changes with our squad recently, shes been steady at keeping us together and happy.
  2. Category: Gen Gamertag: KSI Barb130 Forums Account Link / @KSI Barb130 Reasons they deserve this award: Probably one of the hardest working people I've seen, and we often have to make sure she's enjoying herself too! Every meeting she's coming up with ways to keep the squad active, and feeling happy and appreciated. I feel like she should know she irreplaceable, and a great boon for us in succubus. Category: SGT Gamertag: KSI Sac2Loo2Sac Forums Account Link / @Sac2Loo2Sac Reasons they deserve this award: There's alot of people I think deserve this award, but I feel like something that often goes overlooked is having someone reliable there who's often hanging out with squad mates and making people feel more welcome to the squad. Category: Member Gamertag: MadameSqueek Forums Account Link: @Squeek 7 Reasons they deserve this award: Formerly she was part of our leadership in the squad, however since for most of the year she was pushing us onward and making us motivated to be more active and improve her efforts should definitely be noticed, since I don't recall anyone being left behind or out with squeek being with us.
  3. For monster hunter, we can have solo speedrun for nergigante? Fastest time wins Could be fun maybe
  4. Gamertag- KSI Barb130, Captain ES/Succubus Link to forums account - @KSI Barb130 Reasoning why they deserve this - everytime we chat with barb she's trying to come up with ideas to make the squad better,bigger, and more fun for everyone. She's a huge part of our squad and div and shows strong dedication toward making everyone feel welcome, and manages to make it feel a little less like just another community, and more like a family.
  5. @Bane 7 does this help? If not please direct me on where to screenshot :^)
  6. Name: tiredCalico Link to Forums Account: @tiredCalico Award-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub Reason-/-Evidence: I currently subscribed to KSILive's Twitch channel. Here is a screenshot :^)
  7. Gamertag/Forums name: @tiredCalico for fourms, and tiredCalico GT Award: New member certified Evidence: attended a workshop hosted by @KSI Barb130 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Barb130 Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/46272-tiredcalico/
  8. I suggested this elsewhere already, but one's justice has been alot of fun lately.
  9. Tbh, if there wqs a team v team overwatch headhunter or 3v3 ect. Would be nice. But, one's Justice just came out, and we could do a tournament style contest for those who also have that.
  10. Will there be some more overwatch or monster hunter events?
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