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KSI EzeD24

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KSI EzeD24 last won the day on July 5 2020

KSI EzeD24 had the most liked content!

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  • Gender
  • Interests
    Gaming of course! but also, motorcycles, computers, science (esp biology) movies, music, hiking, fishing, fine cigars and good scotch lol the usual stuff ;P
  • Gamertag
    KSI EzeD24
  • Date Recruited
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  • Discord

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  1. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums Acct: @KSI EzeD24 Awards/Achievements : Out for Summer, 'Merica, Summertime Scorcher, Anniversary Subscriber Reason/Evidence : As you can see in the attached ss, I have both been a sustained subscriber for the past 7months which includes the 3 months awards I am applying for. Also it shows I have subscribed for more than 12 months.
  2. For the 3 Meta awards I would like, Bacon, Lady Luck, Execute Order 77, please and thank you!
  3. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to forums Acct: @KSI EzeD24 Awards/Achievements: Spring Chicken, May The 4th Be With You, Enduring subscriber Reason/Evidence: In my attached pic you will notice my current sub streak is 4 months, as I have I luv me and luck of the irish it goes to say the other 2 months are April and May. Also you will note I am at 10 months total subbed.
  4. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums Acct: @KSI EzeD24 Awards/Achievements : On Point, Round of Applause, Three Cheers Reason/Evidence : I have more than 30 forums awards at present... you can count em lol they are there.
  5. Better karaoke themes!! Themes like 90s alt rock... or 70s hairbands... High School Musical killed karaoke and it is more than a bit disappointing to know that this spirit week will be song less... Maybe throw out a theme vote foe the masses, drop a few options and give us the vote...
  6. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to forums: @EzeD24 Awards/Achievements: 2020 Donor and Luck of the Irish Reason/Evidence: I have subscribed for 2 months this year including March
  7. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums acct: @EzeD24 Awards/Achievements: 2020 Donor, I Love Me, Luck of The Irish, First step, Rolling Subscriber Teason/ Evidence: I have been a twitch subscriber for 7 months beginning in September of 2019 and continuing to current
  8. General Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad) : KSI DrPepper(GEN- DM/Discord) Link to forums acct: @KSI Dr.Pepper Reason they deserve this: I have watched Peppers grow in KSI from the day she was recruited. I have seen her passion for the foundation of what KSI stands for and her commitment to doing whats right always despite many obstacles. She is always ready to lend a hand to a fellow gamer. She goes out her way to help others even irl. She has sent headsets to fellow gamers so they can continue to be a part of the community. Her generosity is endless in the pursuit of keeping the people she calls friends and squadmates in the game and moving forward. She is endlessly striving to learn more about KSI. She is easily one of the best GENs Discord squad has ever had, I would even go so far as to say she may be one of the best GENs in all of DM. Nobody deserves any award more than this one does. CPT Gamertag(Rank-Division/Squad): KSI LiViNgLiFe(CPT- DM/Discord) Link to forums acct: @KSI LiViNgLiFe Reason they deserve this: Living has defied all odds. She has made great headway in becoming an incredible officer. Some said she would not make a good officer and she took that as a challenge. She has proven her desire to learn and grow in KSI. She has shown her ability to do what needs done and to communicate openly and easily with her fellow officers and squadmates. She is fast becoming a great recruiter, she is always there to chat or to help a fellow gamer through a tough spot in game. She has gone great lengths to prove the nay sayers wrong and I truly believe she shines through as a suprise up and comer amongst the officer ranks of KSI. Living has great ability and given the chance, I believe she will make a solid GEN one day.
  9. DM is the master div!!! and Discord is the best squad!!!
  10. KSI Siren82 or Deka as I have always known her, is most certainly one of the most deserving of this award. Her heart is huge, her generosity knows very few limits and she is caring to the Nth degree. Since she joined KSI she has constantly pushed herself outside of her comfort zone both in striving to better herself and the squad, as well as becoming a recruiting machine. She is attentive to her squad mates, and always willing to lend her gun to the fight, despite her sometimes unsuredness about the game. She is in it for the fun and works hard to hold up her end in a battle. She works tirelessly to retain members and to maintain a fun and friendly gaming atmosphere in both game nights and squad chats. Her attention to details about the folks in KSI is astounding and proves her care for KSI as a whole. She most certainly embodies KSI and what it stands for.
  11. Division Leader: KSIxROMEO 7 (Div Leader/DM) @KSIxROMEO 7 Reason: Quite honestly, the reasons he deserves this award are too numerous to list fully here. I would run out of space before I was done. I will summarize it thusly... this man is Div Leader of one of the biggest divs in KSI numbers wise, he is acting gen of 2 squads, acting cofo for several squads... literally and truthfully if I thought it would hold any merit, I would nominate him for Gen otm and Cofo otm just for the fact that he is holding up sooooo many fine KSI folks. Which is exactly what he has been doing, he has held 2 squads together and even brought them back from the brink. He is always available to chat with anyone at damn near any time. He maintains a professionalism always, that is admirable. He deserves more than just one months award. He deserves all the months and the year. Captain: KSI DrPepper (4CPT/Discord) @KSI Dr.Pepper Reason: Peppers has always been one of the first to jump when anything needs done to help out the squad, and akways without hesitation. She maintains a positive attitude that is reflected in her ability to bring out even the seemingly most shy folks. Her game nights are always hoppin and full of laughs and fun. She remains vigilant in keeping KSI a postive and friendly gaming environment and is always striving to learn more towards bettering KSI. She also strives to learn more about being a leadee and role model within KSI and I truly believe she will do great things in this organization. Peppers is a shining example of dedication, hardwork, and everything that KSI stands for.
  12. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums Account: @EzeD24 Award-/-Achievement: 2019 Donor Reason-/-Evidence: I have subscribed to KSILive on Twitch for at least two months. Please see screenshot below.
  13. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums Account: @EzeD24 Award-/-Achievement: Meta Awards: Legen- and Ripple Effect / Tiered Meta Staff Award Selection: Cult of the Worst and Winter is Coming Reason-/-Evidence: As of the date of this post, I have 10 awards.
  14. Name: KSI EzeD24 Link to Forums Account: @EzeD24 Award-/-Achievement: Committed Reason-/-Evidence: I've been on the Xbox Live Gold gamertag KSI EzeD24 and I've been in the community for over twelve consecutive months. Thanks, @KSIxROMEO 7 for witnessing.
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