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KSI Mud Jug

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About KSI Mud Jug

  • Birthday 02/15/1994

Profile Information

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Mud Jug
  • Date Recruited
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Contact Methods

  • Discord
    KSI Mud Jug#6411
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KSI Mud Jug's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Member Assistance Philosophy has helped me a lot since rejoining KSI. He helped me get several certifications since returning and helping me with recruiting new members.
  2. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Mud Jug @KSI Mud Jug Award: New Member Certification Evidence: attended work shop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Harmony 7
  3. Gamer tag: KSI Mud Jug @KSI Mud Jug Award: New Member Certification Reason/Evidence: Attended workshop hosted by Harmony 7
  4. GeneralKSI Hysteria VI (General - Samurai/DW) -Link to forums account - @Hysteria VIReasoning why the deserve this - He is way more involved then any general I have had previously and appreciate his hard work in the squad and in the division. CaptainKSI xKamikaze (2CPT - Samurai/DW) -Link to forums account - @KSI xKamikazeReasoning why they deserve this - Kam has been there for me every step of the way since I rejoined KSI, I blow up his phone a lot with questions and he always responds quickly.LTKSI IrishSaintz (4LT - Samurai/DW) -Link to forums account - @KSI IrishSaintzReasoning why they deserve this - If Irish can help me with anything, he does, if he can't he doesn't hesitate to help me find out who can help me.MemberKSI PHIL0S0PHY7 (SGT - Samurai/DW) -Link to forums account - @PHIL0S0PHYXReasoning why they deserve this - He has been back a little longer then I have and he has really helped me get accustomed to the new KSI since its been 2 years since I have been in.
  5. Are we allowed to set up competition teams within KSI or would that be considered extra curricular?
  6. Member Assistance: Yes Reason: Usually I ask people questions directly but when I ask things on discord @KSI Gary 7 is the first too answer but also explains things very well to those like me who are new to some of the features and goings on now.
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