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Everything posted by KSI RiiOT 7

  1. Flareons award like all old staff awards is retired so we won't be handing that out but the Air Force one we can accommodate for sure, Im doing a bunch of forums stuff tomorrow ill hook you up then.
  2. I think Kings dedication to KSI speaks for itself, Im sure alot of people are familiar with the work hes done/has done or at the very least have heard of him. Now what you may not know; King has recently become one of my my new Senior Forums Mods which in itself is an amazing achievement. Website mods can come and go without ever making Smod, not King though Im pretty sure hes not gunna stop until he has my job (He told me that, send help) When King became a Mini mod, hes Mod powers didnt work correctly but that didnt stop him, with what limited power he had he made sure he did it to the best of his ability and made his presence known as one of our new forums mods and I think that speaks about his work effort and commitment to KSI in spades. Before of all this and to this day is one of our best Rejoin mods, he knows the role in and out and its always available to help people trying to join us (and even the people doing the apps!) No one knows more about rejoin then King, hes probably forgotten more about the section then I will ever know, Im grateful to have him in my corner. Smods are basically meant to be my right hand and Id say thats a fair assessment of King, hes always ready to help pick up the slack when needed and step in to help at anytime, Thank you man Keep doing what you do best I appreciate ya.
  3. December is one of my newly promoted Senior Mods on these here forums which already is a testament to his work ethic and leadership skills, its rare a member will become a forums mod let alone make it to Smod. Ive had the opportunity to work with December on a number of projects and hes an endless fountain of ideas, hes always looking for new ways to improve KSI and make every aspect appealing and relevant to all of our members. His drive and work ethic are second to none and its one of the things I admire about him. If there's a project going on you can guarantee December has a hand in it or hes learning about it to see if he can add anything to the process or even just help it along any way he can. Leaders like December are what make KSI great, there's no doubt in my mind he fully deserves this award.
  4. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI December 77 (Senior Forums Mod) Link to forums account - @December 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - This past month or so ive been working on the new forums revamp that went live not too long ago and It wouldnt have been possible without Decembers constant feedback and willingness to bounce Idea around with me to see what stuck. He helped refine some ideas I have and brought them to live Aka the games journalists. December brings a fresh prospective to the table and is a valuable member of my mod staff, so much so he was recently promoted to Senior Mod. December my dude keep up doing what you do best and Ive got no doubt in my mind you'll go far in this community.
  5. Gamertag: KSI RiiOT 7 Forums: @KSI RiiOT 7 Award: Enlightened Evidence: Finally broke the 250 barrier on rep, sitting at 251
  6. Good good come to the OS side, now level so we can go steak at the duel arena hahaha
  7. Join us, we have Dragon Slayer 2 now. There's a OSRS content creator called J1mmy who is doing all OSRS quest in order of date of release on an Ironman account.
  8. I will NEVER get the quest cape, questing is by far my least favourite part of OSRS
  9. Anyone else playing? if so firstly add me - R ii O T x Playing off and on to get the Barrows gloves for my main but I HATE questing, in fact i got 99 cooking instead of questing haha.
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