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KSI RiiOT 7 last won the day on June 26 2023

KSI RiiOT 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI RiiOT 7

  • Birthday April 18

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    ASM, Team 69, STUFFBOIS and #Riiotforadmin
    Kings Business Partner
  • Gamertag
  • Squad
    Toxic Mods
  • Division
    Web Ops
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  1. Can confirm Sungazer was head of news some years back
  2. I can also attest to this, Airborne took over the reigns of AAP when it was in a downwards spiral. at the time there was no active Dept heads for AAP which had a knock on effect of people leaving the department due to how disorganised it had become. Not only did Airborne rebuild the AAP but he took it to new heights and I think his work speaks for itself as after this role Airborne came up to the board and if that doesn speach volumes idk what to tell ya,
  3. Dun dun dun.... ^ this guys a good friend

    <_<....ya i went there.....

  4. hello fellow member

    1. KSI RiiOT 7

      KSI RiiOT 7

      Glory to VII




      Not poaching btw

  5. What Mr. CEO says is facts. During my time as CAO King was my right hand man and was instrumental in getting the mod team to what it is today.
  6. Have an amazing spirit week, KSI.
  7. image0.png

    1. KSI RiiOT 7

      KSI RiiOT 7

      Oh god I've only just seen this hahaha

    2. KSI Starset 7

      KSI Starset 7

      I saw this and immediately was like “I gotta show this to RiiOT” lmao

  8. Not too long ago Kam joined my Web ops team as a Rejoin mod, since then he has continued to go strengh to strengh in web ops earning himself a position very few have - Senior Forums Mod. This in itself shows his true dedication to web ops and to KSI. Kam often hits me up to riff on some ideas or ask questions, if theres something he isnt sure of he will make sure he knows it for the future and can use that knowledge to help all of our members. Kam can be often seen around the forums helping anyone he sees who are posting in the SB who are unsure of stuff. They ask the question and moments later he'll have hit them a DM to explain it . I'm proud to have Kam as a key part of the web ops team and in KSI as a whole. Keep it up man.
  9. Thank You for all of your support. It’s not everyday someone stands by your side through anything you are feeling or going through. A true leader and not a boss even tho you are the Big Boss. :mellow: I appreciate you taking the time out of your days to talk.

    1. KSI RiiOT 7

      KSI RiiOT 7

      Thanks you for the kind words my dude! of course man anytime you need! 

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