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KSI Rogue 77

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About KSI Rogue 77

  • Birthday January 14

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    KSI Rogue 77
  • Date Recruited
    April 8 2018
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    KSI Rogue 77#9890

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KSI Rogue 77's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hatter77 Link to forums account - @Hatter 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Hatter always has so much going on between IRL and and running WD, she is a very busy lady, yet somehow still finds the time to host big events and spend some time with the members. Hatter shows no judgment or hate towards anyone and treats us all with respect and acceptance. Her heart is in this community and it shows everyday through her dedication and tough love. Hatter you are very much appreciated here in WD thank you for everything. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xSmitty Link to forums account - @KSI xSmitty Reasoning why they deserve this - I think Smittles deserves this award because he is so dedicated to this squad and has done so much to help Carnage improve and be what it is today, from helping with growth as one of our squads strongest recruiters to making sure each officer getting the right training and help when needed. Smitty makes everyone feel welcomed and shows that he genuinely cares about the members of this community (not just our squad) on a regular basis, he is always checking in on people just to see how their doing and, takes the time to listen if anyone just needs to talk. Over the past few months I have seen so much personal growth from Smitty as he takes on new challenges and masters new skills, he has proven to have great leadership qualities and I look forward to seeing the great things he can do in KSI. SGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tay 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Taywick 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Taywick is one of the most generous kind hearted people you will ever meet. he is contently going out of his way to give back to people, Just in the last couple of week I have personally witnessed him buying games for several members as well as a couple people outside of the community just because he can. if you ever need someone to game with or just chat he's always down. Taywick treats everyone equally with weather he has known you for year or 5 minutes it makes no difference, He is honestly just all around good people and deserves recognition for that Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Assault1 Link to forums account - @assaultman1 Reasoning why they deserve this - I don't know Assault super well yet but from what I do know I think he deserves recognition for sure. Assault is super active, he is always up to game or just hang out, he is kind all the time to everyone and, he has been a huge help to the officers (probably with out even knowing it) During spring break he jumped in our party while we were bringing people in and walking them through how to vote and without question or being asked he just started bringing people in and getting them set up as well. Assault is just all around a good member to have.
  2. My dad always got us each giant eggs with our names on them and did egg hunts for prizes. Mom was more classic wake up in the morning to find the dinner room covered in Easter stuff and a big basket for each of us.
  3. Name: KSI Rogue 77 Link to Forums Account: @KSI Rogue 77 Award-/-Achievement: I <3 Awards, Got Tea? Reason-/-Evidence: I currently have 66 awards
  4. Name: KSI Rogue 77 Link to Forums Account: @xRogue 5 Award-/-Achievement: - Gamerscore Master - Forums Novice - Fresh Meat - Rising star - Getting popular - Award hobbyist - Highest of fives Reason-/-Evidence: - Current gamerscore 55,380 - 450 posts on forums - 4,133 views member since 4.9.18 - 52 current awards on forums Screenshots sent to AAP staff member. Staff Award Requested: (Included only with Meta Awards category) - Canadian Pride - Identity Crisis
  5. Name: KSI Rogue 77 Link to Forums Account: @xRogue 5 Award-/-Achievement: OTY Attendee, Twitch Sub Reason-/-Evidence: messsged to aap staff member
  6. KSI xRELICx (Captain - Malice WD) @KSI xRELICx Relic joined KSI ready to get to work and has come a long way during his time in malice, Relic is always looking for ways to improve himself and isn't afraid to ask questions. there is no questioning his dedication to his squad and he shows great potential as a leader. KSI BlueRose (Lieutenant - Anarchy WD) @KSI BlueRose This member is very shy and had a hard time being able to reach out to members or being in larger groups she even had a hard time talking when it was just her and I in a party, but she wanted to move up the ranks and help out in anyway she could, since becoming an officer she has improved greatly and member Retention has now become one of her specialties. She now has built great relationships with many of the members in her squad as well as hosts massive gamenights every week. She has completely stepped outside of her comfort zone and is thriving in her position. Very proud of all she has overcome and she definitely deserves recognition.
  7. Gamertag - KSIkylelovesgod Link to forums - @Ksi kylelovesgod Award - Gamerscore master Evidence - member has 71907 Gamerscore
  8. Gamertag - KSI Thash Link to forums - @KSI Thash Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - member has 34830 Gamerscore
  9. Gamertag - KSI LGNDKIL4 Link to Forums - @Xx LGNDK1LL4 xX Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - Member has 22360 Gamerscore
  10. Gamertag - KSI Sixchart Link to forums - @Sixchart24 Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - this member has 30000 Gamerscore
  11. There is so much to say about Kami I don't even know where to start... He puts his all into everything he does, I've been able to work along side him in both clan ops and web ops and the one thing that shines through in any area is that Kami is a natural born leader. As his Co-Founder I don't think he knows how much I appreciate him, I never have to second guess anything he does or check to make sure his stuffs been posted i just know it has been. He is the reason Malice has survived and will continue to thrive, the squad has taken many hits and each time Kami just comes back stronger and leads the squad to be bigger and better than before. He has no problems making touch decisions and doesn't let things fester when something needs to get done he is the first to respond and get it done. I don't understand where he finds the time to do all that he does between his personal life Forums moderator, Department member and an active successful Gen he juggles a lot daily but that doesn't affect his performance in the slightest he still goes above and beyond in every area. There is no question Kami deserves this award.
  12. Gamertag - KSIxSWAG#3760 Link to forums - @KSIxUSMCxSWAG Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - this member has 24461
  13. Gamertag - Magmakiller14 Link to forums - @Magmakiller14 Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - this member has 49889 Gamerscore
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