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KSI Rogue 77

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Everything posted by KSI Rogue 77

  1. Category: Director Gamertag: KSI xKing 77 Forums Account Link / @: @Mr. King 77 Reasons they deserve this award: King pushes people to become better leaders and instills motivation. King is not the type of leader to sit back and dictate hes not afraid to get his hands dirty and step in where needed he currently our Director as well as acting Div Leader as well as Acting Co-Founder at times, Not only is he involved with the sevens and the officers he also reaches out and games with the members When King first took over WD there wasn't much going we were at a standstill with very slow growth and not much movement going on in the top half. King came in observed for a little bit than got right to work correcting the flaws in the division starting with a new sevens staff, we have all been working together to better the squads and have since split one and are on the verge of splitting another. WD has changed dramatically since King has taken over the squads are all growing and moving in a healthier direction as well as working and gaming together. More and more people are wanting to step in to leadership rolls and all of this is to do with King he has completely changed the mindset of WD. Category: Co-Founder Gamertag: KSI xTiger 77 Forums Account Link / @: @KSI Tiger 77 Reasons they deserve this award: When you think of WD you think of Tiger, She has become the heart and voice of WD. Tigers main focus is always on the members, even as a lower ranking officer she made it her personal mission to get to know all of the members within her squad, and now that shes a Co-Founder the only thing different is that its on a larger scale. she goes above and beyond for her members making sure they are all happy and comfortable within their squads. Tiger has been my mentor since the day i joined and has taught me basically everything i know about KSI and to this day shes always there to offer help and advice, and if you every come up with a question she doesn't know the answer too she will make sure to find it some how, Tiger has almost become a motherly figure to WD lol. with the amount of time she has dedicated to KSI and all the things she has done for this division i definitely believe she deserves this award and many others. Category: General Gamertag: KSI xJAM Forums Account Link / @: @KSI JAM Reasons they deserve this award: Jam is very dedicated to his squad, member retention has always been his primary focus he is always there for his members weather its KSI related or they just need someone to talk to jam is there. and as a Gen he always on top of his duties and never needs to be reminded to complete a task. he is very active within the division over all hosting weekly workshops for all the members and attending as many game nights as possible. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI xKamikaze Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xKamikaze Reasons they deserve this award: Kamikaze is a go-getter and often times we have to remind him to slow down and take some personal time because if not he would be doing KSI stuff 24/7, as a captain he is very on top of the security preforming security checks almost daily on not only his squad members but any member of the division he can find, hes been a great mentor to the lower ranking officers in his squad taking them under his wing and sharing his vast knowledge with them. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI xShooter Forums Account Link / @: @KSI SHOOTER Reasons they deserve this award: Shooter started off very quiet and almost unsure of where he wanted to be in KSI but since becoming an officer he seems to have found his footing and flourished, as a LT he went on a recruiting rampage which helped lead to the split of his squad and also took the time out to get to know each of the members within his squad. Shooter hasnt missed a gamenight or meeting he always makes himself available when needed even if hes unable to get online. Shooter has been a huge asset to the squad making sure that promotions and recruits are getting done in a timely manner and helping resolve any minor issue that have come up, he has also been a huge help in the splitting process getting with the members to get their preferences and helping to get everyone switched over and set up in the new squad. Caregory: Staff Sergeant Gamertag: KSI xHoots Forums Account Link / @: @KSI xHoots Reason they deserve this award: Hoots has been an outstanding asset to his squad, posting up game night schedules and reminding his fellow officers of any upcoming promotions, Hoots is always looking for something new to learn and always up for a new challenge, he goes the extra mile with any task no matter how big or small. the members of his squad know they can go to him for just about anything, he has been mentoring several members showing them the ropes and encouraging them to move up the ranks as well, he isn't afraid to ask questions or speak his mind, hes always noticing everyone else contributions and sending kind and encouraging messages, Hoots is a pleasure to work with and i see great leadership potential in him and strongly believe he deserves recognition for all that he does.
  2. Honestly, I can't think of a better person to receive the most outstanding award than King. WD has had a few directors since my time here, King has been the first to get involved with not only the divisional leadership but also the squad members! King displays his commitment and dedication to KSI on a daily basis, Like when he had to sneak out of work to host our generals meeting when none of the divisional 7’s were available. He also displays great member retention skills. reminding us that our ideas and opinions matter while also encouraging us to do and be our best, He has recently convinced me to step outside of my comfort zone and explore new opportunities that so far I have come to really enjoy. King is very approachable and easy to talk to. He can be reached on Discord or Xbox anytime no matter how big or small the issue/question is he keeps himself available to offer advice or a helping hand. He is quick on his feet and very professional when taking care of business but also knows when to joke around and have fun. I think anyone who knows King knows he is not afraid to fire someone! He holds people accountable for their actions, He makes his expectations known while giving us the structure and tools to rise to success without Micromanaging, I definitely see this making a huge impact on WD.
  3. Gamertag - KSI x Rogue Forums link - @KSI x Rogue Award - Basic Evidence - I have participated in both July and Augusts twitter blitz
  4. Gamertag - KSI x Rogue Squad & Division - Cyanide WD Link to Forums - @KSI x Rogue Award - Jack of all trades Evidence - I have all the required awards needed to qualify for Jack of all trades
  5. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Fondu, Cyanide WD Link to forums account - @KSI Fondu Reasoning why they deserve this - Fondu is full of great ideas and the willingness to put them to the test coming up with creative ways to get members more involved with the squad and interested in learning how it all works Fondu is all about having fun and meeting new people so member retention is just apart of his daily gaming before he even became an officer fondu was reaching out to new members anytime he saw a name he didn't recognize he would shoot them a message to introduce himself or just invite them to game. Anything you ask of him hes up for the challenge! hes always willing to try to things and take on responsibilities, He has recently taken several of the squad SGTs under his wing training them how to be the next generation of SSGTs one day. Fondu has also taken lead on recent squad security checks. Fondu does not fear responsibility and handles pressure very well, He has been a great asset to the squad since the day he joined.
  6. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Taywick 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Taywick 77 Reasoning why the deserve this - When taking on the squad taywick knew it wasn't going to be an easy task but didn't hesitate to accept the challenge, Vanquish was a struggling squad with no officers and plenty of fluff, Vanquish is healthier now than it has been in some time, There is alot of retirees in Vanquish that had no interest in moving back up the ranks, Taywick was able to spark their interest again and has been able to clean up a large portion of fluff from the squad. Taywick always puts his all in to his squad, Hes very involved with his members and can almost always be seen in parties or game nights with his squad. With all his experience and knowledge Taywick is a great leader and a great person to look up to. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JOKER 40 2nd CPT - Cyanide WD Link to forums account - @HHT JOKER Reasoning why they deserve this - Joker works his butt off for his squad, Hes takes every opportunity he can to gain more knowledge and better himself as a leader. I have never needed to remind him of his duties,He never shy's from a task and does so much to help make my job a little easier. Joker takes pride in what he does and it shows daily. Joker defiantly deserves recognition for all that he does. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI xKamikaze Link to forums account - @KSI xKamikaze Reasoning why they deserve this - Whenever i have questions to do with AAP which seems to be often Kami is always the quickest to respond and is quick to get the answers or offer help, I really suck at finding my way around the forums so hes always helping me find things or sending me links even when it has nothing to do with the department(s) hes in. I honestly pick his brain quite often when it comes to the forums, I haven't had an issue yet Kami couldn't solve. really glad to have him around Kami is always a huge help on and off the forums!
  7. Gamertag - KSI x Rogue Forums link - @KSI x Rogue Award - Forums Newb Evidence - I have 118 posts on the forums
  8. Name: KSI x Rogue Link to Forums Account: @KSI x Rogue Award-/-Achievement: Donor 2019 Reason-/Evidence: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AusnvdyhYnl_ngpz1WtOkGUITB0z https://1drv.ms/u/s!AusnvdyhYnl_ngulBTr0eGm-TxKw
  9. Gamertag - KSIxDaddy Link to forums - @KSI OneAboveAll Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - KSIxDaddy currently has 48292 Gamerscore
  10. Gamertag - KSI Garadios Link to forums - @garadios Award - Gamerscore hoarder Evidence - Garadios currently has 31714 Gamerscore @KSI x RogueRogueRogueRoguRo I'm sorry this keeps happening
  11. Gamertag - KSI x Rogue Link to forums - @KSI x Rogue Award - Round of applause / Scottlands jacobites Evidence - I currently have 20 awards on the forums
  12. Gamertag - KSI x Rogue Link to forums - @KSI x Rogue Award - Twitch sub Evidence - I'm subscribed to the KSIlive Twitch channel I have attached a picture of my name In the Twitch chat Please ignore the stuff below its glitched and won't let me delete that (it just ads more when I try to erase) @KSI OneAboveAllOneAboveAOneOOnOneAOn
  13. Senior Leader (SENIOR DIRECTOR through CEO) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Ronin 77 Senior Director Link to forums account - @ThaHomieRonin Reasoning why they deserve this - Ronin is super knowledgeable about KSI and dedicated to the community. I have yet to come up with a question he couldn't answer believe me I tried. I have learned a lot from him since becoming a Gen and really appreciate the fact that he always makes himself available to us whether it be on xbox or discord ive never had an issue getting in touch with him. Ronin spends more time in parties taking care of business than actually playing video games he does so much for this community and never complains he seems really passionate about the success of this community and i really respect everything he puts into it, Ronin is defiantly someone to look up to and deserves recognition for the work he put in daily. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Tiger 77 co-founder WD Link to forums account - @KSI Tiger 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - As a Gen tiger made a huge impact on WD helping to the division grow and bringing people together and splitting our squad before taking the co founder seat. since becoming a co founder she has implemented several featured in our division to help all squads such as a weekly divisional meeting in the early afternoon to help reach out to the day time players that have a hard time making it to the regularly scheduled squad meetings as well as a weekly divisional game night. Tiger doesn't just think of the squads shes over she thinks of all the squads in every decision she makes. Tiger is the master of member retention with 200+ members in the division she is making it her mission to reach out to every one of them. Tiger has become a great leader and someone to strive to be like. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jamcam 1CPT Malice WD Link to forums account - @KSI JAM Reasoning why they deserve this - Jam has taken malice on by storm, He has been doing everything for the squad and spends most of his free time just getting to know his members and bringing everyone together. Jam is really passionate and has tons of amazing ideas to bring to the table, he is super up beat and and positive his passion becomes contagious its no wonder his members are drawn to him member retention is his obsession he will make a great leader one day. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI JOKER 40 4LT Cyanide WD Link to forums account - @HHT JOKER Reasoning why they deserve this - Joker is a go-getter, if there is something that needs to be done he does it with out needing to be asked he takes the initiative, Joker is always going above and beyond whats expected or asked of him. joker is very active and doesn't shy away from any task or learning opportunity I'm very proud of the officer he is becoming and could see him running his own squad in the future.
  14. Gamertag - KSI iSToNed JAM Link - @KSI JAM Award - OS LVL 1 Reason - Jam is an outstanding officer who cares greatly for his squad, he was a huge part of the Cyanide split and has taken on a great deal of responsibility in malice. Jams enthusiasm and positivity is contagious he's always trying to find ways to bring the squads together and better the division as a whole, Jam will make a great leader in KSI a deserves recognition for all that he does.
  15. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Taywick 77 Link to forums account - @KSI Taywick 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Taywick is always putting in work anywhere he can. during the split he was involved in every aspect from helping decide where members would need to go to helping everyone get adjusted and informed. he helps keep everything running smoothly in cyanide from hosting meetings to assisting members whenever he can, taywick never shys away when things need to be done hes always the first one to step up and lend a helping hand. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Garadios Link to forums account - @garadios Reasoning why they deserve this - Garadios has been a great addition to our officer staffing, hes learned all aspects of his position very quickly and has been putting his new knowledge to good use. Garadios has been doing great work with bringing in recruits and getting them integrated within the community. anything you ask of him you can be sure gets done and hes not afraid to take on a challenge.
  16. Gamertag: KSI x Rogue Link to Forums: @KSI x Rogue Award: On Point / That's so Fetch Reason: I have 15 awards on forums.
  17. gamertag KSI Taywick 77 link to forums http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/11588-ksi-taywick-77/ award- helping hand reason/evidence he got me the fortnight season pass
  18. Category: Captain Gamertag; KSI Folkstyle Forums Account Link / @KSI Folkstyle Reasons they deserve this award - I honestly dont know where to start, I dont think theres a single person in WD who hasnt heard of Folkstyle, Hes only been with us for a few months and has already proven his dedication to KSI, Folkstyle is apart of several departments and doesnt let this distract him from his squad or officer duties he hosts several gamenights and workshops a week basically never misses a meeting. In his short time here Folk has already become a forums master and is always willing to share his knowledge, hes helped me navigate my way through the forums on many occasions. folkstyle goes above and beyond for his squad and Its members daily, I feel he deserves this award and the recognition more than anyone else. Folk I know your probably going to read this so thank you for all that you do. Category: General Gamertag; KSI T1GER Forums Account Link / @KSI T1GER Reasons they deserve this award - When I joined KSI Cyanide was nothing like it is today, no one played together or bothered to get to know one another, the only time you saw other members was meetings and they left the second it finished, the officers of the squad werent properly trained and no one really knew what they were doing. When tiger took over as Gen she worked for days trying to reach out to all of the members personally to get to know them all learn what games they play and ways to get them more involved in the community, (not being fully trained herself) Tiger also taught herself what officers are really supposed to be doing and started training the officers the right way (this helped the squad greatly) Cyanide today is growing rapidly with full officer staff members connecting with each other and on the verge of a split. this wouldn't be possible without the days and weeks of work tiger put in the beginning just to simply reach out to lost members. Tiger has made cyanide feel like a second family. Category - SGT Gamer tag - KSI MiniFuzz30 Link to forums - @MiniFuzzball81 Reason - Mini is a recruiting master, he's brought in more people in the last 2 months than I have seen my entire time here. He's super active and super involved he also takes the time to get to know all of his recruits before bringing them in, mini definitely deserves recognition for all his hard work. Category - Co Founder Gamer tag - KSI UNBORN 7 Link to forums - @KSI UNB0RN 7 Reason - Unborn has been a co-founder for a while and he's got alot of experience and always willing to share his knowledge he's definitely shown he can over come any obstical that comes his way. Category - Co Founder Gamer tag - KSI Ronin 7 Link to forums - @Mr. North Forward Reason - if you ever need a very detailed explanation for anything Ronin is 100% the person to go to! He's very knowledgeable and loves to talk so no detail will be missed and you may even get a few fun stories. I appreciate that although he's a busy guy Ronin almost always responds to party invites or messages. Category - Division Leader Gamer tag - KSI Cherry 7 Link to forums - @KSI Cherry 7 Reason - I've said it before and I'll say it again Cherry is the heart of WD she was involved in everything and always made it a good time! I honestly done know what else to say about it Cherry was simply an awesome div-leader she was always up to help members in need weather is be KSI related or a personal matter, she makes every member feel comfortable and treats everyone equally, cherry has lots of knowledge and experience in the community and is always willing to offer advice or just shoot the s**t. Cherry definitely deserves recognition for all the hard work she's done here in WD.
  19. Gamertag: KSI x Rogue Forums Link: @KSI x Rogue Award: Ripple Effect Evidence: I currently have 11 awards Desired staff award: Impys cuddle party
  20. Gamer tag - KSI x Rogue Link to forums - @KSI x Rogue Award - Legen- Reason/Evidence - I Currently have 9 awards Desired staff award - Meeps Minions
  21. Reason/evidence. Taywick hasn't been in cyanide long but has already done alot to help push our squad in the right direction, he has plenty of knowledge and experience within the community and is always willing to share that knowledge with his fellow members with helpful tips and advice. Taywick is a go getter and doesn't shy away from a task or challenge. hosting game nights often and making it to all the meetings taywick is a very active member within the community and is always there to help a member in need or a new member feel welcome. I strongly feel taywick deserves this award.
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