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KSI Hawaiian Wolf

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KSI Hawaiian Wolf last won the day on June 19 2018

KSI Hawaiian Wolf had the most liked content!


About KSI Hawaiian Wolf

  • Birthday 11/18/1996

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    KSI HawaiianWolf

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KSI Hawaiian Wolf's Achievements


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  1. Name: KSIHawaiianWolf Link to Forums Account: @KSI Hawaiian Wolf Award-/-Achievement: Twitch Sub Reason-/-Evidence: I am subscribed to the twitch channel
  2. Co-Division Leader Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skarxz 77 CO DIV EO Link to forums account - @Scarface 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Where do I start? Well, when he's not getting on me to stream productions he's really getting us to work on the forums and really pushing each squad to do better by participating in KSI activities and making sure our security checks are running smoothly. Also has great knowledge on recruiting techniques and hosting workshop techniques. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxPapi77 Co-Founder EO Link to forums account - @KSIxPapi77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Always the best person to ask for advice on big decisions. Always gets on us and makes sure we're recruiting, promoting, doing security checks so that our squad and div runs smoothly. He's been around EO for a while and always makes people feel welcome and gets officers an elite tier training so that they can be efficient. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Karisaur 4CPT Defiant EO Link to forums account - @KSI Karisaur Reasoning why they deserve this - Always makes people feel welcome in EO. She hosts quite a few game nights and invites all the squads and we have a blast. She also participates in a lot of events within KSI where she represents our div well and also tries to encourage as much EO participation as possible. She's also helped us avoid a lot of TSB and XTG members with silver tags and keeps us safe.
  3. Team Captain: @KSI Hawaiian Wolf Division: Explosive Outlaws Teammate: @KSI GamerJohn Division: Forced Induction
  4. Gamertag:KSIxPapi77 Link to forums account: @KSIxPapi77 Award: Outstanding Service Lvl 2 Reason: I haven't been in KSI for very long but, Papi has been an excellent mentor. I wouldn't be the officer I am today without his help. He gave me a lot of advice along the way and can't thank him enough. It's impressive all the knowledge he has. Definitely deserves this award. He does a lot for EO and we appreciate him for it.
  5. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI ShadowFoxx(Gen - EO/Rogue) Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSI ShadowFoxx Reasoning why they deserve this - ShadowFoxx has helped me become a great officer. Ever since I joined this squad she has continued to show her support to not only me but all of our members. She definitely keeps a positive environment in the community. She helped reshape our squad an got it off the ground. She's organized and definitely knows what she is doing. I couldn't nominate a better person. 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxPapi(CO FO - EO/Rogue) Link to forums account or @ mention - @KSIxPapi77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Papi has been excellent in making sure officers are doing their jobs and make sure they are doing it efficiently and effectively. He was over 2 squads as Gen and doing his 7 duties at the same time. He makes sure everyone in this division feel welcome by joining parties of different squad never the same people. He also uses the open door policy well. I believe if any co-founder deserves it it's him.
  6. KSIHawaiianWolf Explosive Outlaws Why don't we have an E-sports team?
  7. New Member Certification Nomination KSI Archangle/WARKILLER456178 XxTigerbossXx44 KSIxElteKiiD KSI MARSSAI They attended the New Member Workshop hosted by KSIHawaiianWolf. @KSI MARSSAI
  8. Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIxPapi77 (Rogue,Talon,Volatile, EO Co-Founder) Link to forums account - @KSIxPapi77 Reasoning why they deserve this - This is going to be interesting where do I start? Papi a.k.a. Primal has been very involved with our division as well as our squad. He always is there to help with any questions we ask, jokes around with everyone making everyone having a great respect for him. I was a little bit nervous when I first met him in a party but turned out to be not that bad. While we are still looking for our new Gen he acts as our Gen which is very a difficult task as he has other duties to fufill. He's always in a different party when you see him online. He's never in the same party as he wants to connect with our whole division. He just does things that not every 7 would do and works hard for all of us to get along. Primal deserves this award as he uses the open door policy very effectively and makes everyone feel welcome as a part of KSI. Gamertag(Rank -Division/Squad)- KSI ShadowFoxx (Rogue EO, 4CPT) Link to forums account - @KSI ShadowFoxx Reasoning why they deserve this - When I first was recruited into KSI I wasn't sure much of what to do. KSI ShadowFoxx has been a good member and goes beyond of what is expected of her. She helps each and every recruit through the recruiting process and let's them feel more welcome. Her game nights are always lit she gets everyone talking and everyone has a good time.She uses the open door policy effictively as well. She always hops into a party with us if we ever have a question about something even though she doesn't have to. She also is very involved in setting up tournaments and also works in productions. She has left a very good impression on me as well as others by inspiring them to join different departments within EO. She also gets a lot of people to be active in the forums as well as our discord. In our squad she coordinates with people and make sure we have a set schedule for the week including game nights, workshops, and meetings. Even when our squad hit some rough edges she stepped up to the plate and had us involved in a lot of things including the recent spring break event. She really deserves this award for the amount of leadership she has shown for our squad as well as our division I wouldn't nominate anyone else as she truly deserves it.
  9. Name: KSI ShadowFoxxLink to Forums Account: @KSI ShadowFoxxAward-/-Achievement: outstanding serviceReason-/-Evidence: When I first was recruited into KSI I wasn't sure much of what to do. KSI ShadowFoxx has been a good member and goes beyond of what is expected of her. She helps each and every recruit through the recruiting process and let's them feel more welcome. She always hops into a party with us if we ever have a question about something even though she doesn't have to. She also is very involved in setting up tournaments and also works in productions. She has left a very good impression on me as well as others by inspiring them to join different departments within EO. She also gets a lot of people to be active in the forums as well as our discord. In our squad she coordinates with people and make sure we have a set schedule for the week including game nights, workshops, and meetings. Even when our squad hit some rough edges she stepped up to the plate and had us involved in a lot of things including the recent spring break event. She really deserves this award for the amount of leadership she has shown for our squad as well as our division I wouldn't nominate anyone else as she truly deserves it.
  10. evidence: I can be a witness to this. Shadow has been a great help to others as well as me. I see her as my mentor and a friend. She has helped me a lot and inspired me to strive towards officer status. She encouraged me to do more things with the squad and definitely deserves this award. Award: Member assistance @KSI ShadowFoxx
  11. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Hawaiian Wolf Award: New Member Certified Evidence: workshop with KSI ShadowFoxx @KSI Hawaiian Wolf
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