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KSI GamerJohn

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KSI GamerJohn last won the day on November 19 2018

KSI GamerJohn had the most liked content!

About KSI GamerJohn

  • Birthday 05/27/1998

Profile Information

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  • Gamertag
    KSI GamerJohn
  • Date Recruited
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    KSI GamerJohn#6356

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KSI GamerJohn's Achievements


Member (2/4)



  1. Name/ Gamertag: KSI Sarutobi Link to forums account: @KSI Sarutobi Award/Achievement: Round of applause Evidence: I have 22 awards
  2. Team Captain: KSI GamerJohn Division: SL Teammate: KSI Profiit Division: SL Teammate: KSI FIREBLAZER Division: SL
  3. Team captain: KSI GamerJohn Division: SL Teammate: KSI UNDEROGG Division: SL Teammate: KSI CARMINE1738 Division: SL
  4. Host KSI GamerJohn Date 12/30/18 Train the trainer Attendance Name/Gamertag: KSI TAZZ re6 Link to forums: @TAZZ Name/Gamertag: KSI REDNEKANGEL Link to forums: @KSI REDNECK5GRL Name/Gamertag: KSI UNDERDOGG Link to forums: @KSI UNDERDOGG Name/Gamertag: KSI CARMINE1738 Link to forums: @BEN CARMINE1738 Name/Gamertag: KSI JAGER97 Link to forums: @SmallestBaton97 Name/Gamertag: DarkSa9e117 Link to forums account: @KSI DarkSa9e Name/Gamertag: Allen Tucker3 Link to forums account: needs to make one Name/Gamertag: KSI DarkSa9e Link to forums: needs to make one
  5. Team captain: KSI GamerJohn Division: SL Teamate: KDI Grizzy217 Division: SL
  6. Name KSI GamerJohn Link to forums account: @KSI GamerJohn Award/Achievement: on point Reason/Evidence: i have 15 awards
  7. Category: Founder Gamertag KSI Skarzx 77 Forums account: @Scarface 77 Reason they deserve this award: skarzx hasn't been in our division for to long but the time he has been in our division he has been working nonstop to keep the division running and keep it on track and moving forward after what happened with the past leadership and if I have any questions at all he will have answer. Category: General Gamertag: KSI ROCKDOGG Forums account: @KSI ROCKDOGG Reason they deserve this award: Rockdogg has been my general for a good while and before that he was my captain and throughout the whole time he has helped me nonstop with whatever i needed help with and has trained me to be the best officer I can be and to keep pushing me forward within the ranks so i can continue to grow and expand my knowledge within KSI if i have a question he will answer it and if he doesn't know the answer he will get the answer get back to me with that answer as soon as he gets it. Category: Captain Gamertag: KSI GreendayFox Forums account: @KSI GreendayFox Reason they deserve this award: Greenday has been in KSI a long while longer than me anyway but since my time coming to KSI i have seen her always doing something to help members of the division or her squad whether it be a simple question or trying to sign up on the forums for a event and she pushes us forward as a division by bringing our activity up so we can continue to move forward and grow together i don't think the division would be where it is without her help. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI TAZZ re6 Forums account: @TAZZ Reason they deserve the award: tazz hasn't been a lieutenant for long but he has helped the squad whether it be promoting members and training them or just gamenights he hosts gamenights every week for a while now to help keep our squad activity up and game with members so they don't feel left out which is what we need as an officer Category: SGT/SSGT Gamertag: KSIFallingleafy Forums account: @Bootasious Reason they deserve this award: leafy has been one of the calmest people i have met since joining KSI even if it's a situation that escalates or something he doesn't like he stays calm and gets through it and if we need members promoted he will promote them he is also a very patient person and helps members out anyway he can
  8. Team Captain: Gamertag: KSI GamerJohn Division/squad: SL/ KNIGHTS Team Member: Gamertag: KSI ROCKDOGG Division/squad: SL/KNIGHTS Gamertag: KSIFallingleafy Division/Squad: SL/KNIGHTS
  9. Winter is coming and Scotland's jacobites @December 77
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