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KSI Ch4ttyK4thy

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KSI Ch4ttyK4thy last won the day on November 17 2018

KSI Ch4ttyK4thy had the most liked content!


About KSI Ch4ttyK4thy

  • Birthday 09/17/1983

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    KSI Ch4ttyK4thy
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KSI Ch4ttyK4thy's Achievements


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  1. Category: Director of the Year Gamertag: KSI BadKitty 7 Link: @KSI BadKitty 7 Reasons Why they deserve this award- BadKitty came into FI during a rocky time. She listened to our members and their concerns and did what needed to be done. The amount of time she spent making sure all issues were addressed is remarkable. She completely understands that being a leader is more than just a title and made some hard choices for the betterment of the division as a whole all while making sure to stay professional and as unbiased as possible. She always made me feel comfortable when having to speak with her and never made me feel like her position meant that she was better than me. Part of the reason people don’t speak out when something wrong is because some leadership act entitled but that is not the case with BadKitty. Category: General Of the Year Gamertag: KSI Rockdogg Link: @KSI ROCKDOGG Reasons they deserve the award: Full disclosure Rockdogg is my brother so he will need more witnesses but I wanted to get the nomination in because I have seen first hand how devoted to KSI he is. Rockdogg takes a personal investment in ALL of his squad members. He makes sure they are introduced to people and engaged within the community. He has recruited probably the most for our division. He is always willing to talk to our members if they have questions or concerns and is fair when it is time to reprimand people. He is one our greatest assets in SL. He games with our members daily all while running a squad and recruiting on a regular basis. He trains his officers well. Category: Captain of the Year Gamertag: KSI GreendayFox Link: @KSI GreendayFox Reasons they deserve this award- Greenday goes above and beyond for our members on top of being in marketing, forums mod and now on the courts. Not only does she gift people games but she’s always willing to hang out and/or game with people and stands up for our members if she feels they have been treated unfairly. She has been instrumental in helping run our current Squad by hosting squad meetings and never hesitated to host a gamenight or workshop or answer any questions I or our members have. She’s always active in forums and helps us find information we need. Category: Lieutenant of the year Gamertag: KSI GamerJohn Link: @KSI GamerJohn Reasons they deserve this award- wow if only y’all knew. John is an amazing Officer. He is always on top of training and always in parties with our members, socializing or answering questions, despite being homeless for awhile and only able to get online via the app on his phone he still was the top officer in his squad and never complained or made excuses just did his job exceptionally. I can’t wait to see what he does now that he is back on Xbox! He is the brunt of a lot of inside jokes and always jokes back and is just an excellent example of the kind of person we want in KSI. Loyal and dependable and fun to chill with. Category: Staff Sergeant Of the year Gamertag: KSIFallingLeafy Link: @Bootasious Reasons they deserve the award: Leafy is ALWAYS taking care of our members. He is super passionate about KSI and always willing to help where he can. He genuinely cares about our members as people and is always trying to cheer them up when they are down. He sticks up for people when needed and doesn’t care about titles.
  2. GamerJohn is definitely devoted to KSI. He goes above and beyond his workload. He is very patient and deals with heckling and is able to laugh at himself to. Just take a look at the Knights bios and see for yourself just how much training this guy does.
  3. Gamer tag: KSI GreendayFox Link to Forums acct: @KSI GreendayFox Award/Achievement: Good Samaritan Reason: Greenday has personally bought me an expanspansion pack for a game so that I can stay active within my squad. I would not have been able to get it without her.
  4. I would like to witness for KSI Blicky 7 KSI Blicky 7 goes above and beyond. His dedication to FI and KSI as a whole is apparent daily. He is always available to our members for any questions or issues, wether it be getting a recruit cleared or mediating a misunderstanding or conflict. He has stepped up to the plate again and again, going to bat for our members for nominations and promotions, helping educate our officers and organize our squads. He maintains a professional and non biased attitude and genuinely cares about each member. I have gone to him on several occasions for questions, concerns or clearing a recruit and not once has he turned me down or made me feel like I was bothering him.
  5. KSI MetalBarbie is always working super hard to make sure that her members know what’s going on and feel included. She has introduced me to several members and has run several workshops that I know of and I have attended. She’s professional and always looking to help make things run smoothly.
  6. I will clarify. He has on multiple occasions questioned his own sanity. He loves KSI but is constantly having to deal with all kinds of issues from having memembers beg to join only to quit a few days later to shifting through friends lists at all hours of the night. Can we add a straight jacket? I think he needs a hug.
  7. I can confirm. KSI Tobias has lost his mind. He questions his sanity on a on a regular basis.
  8. Gamer tag/Forum name: KSI Ch4ttyK4thy Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Attended workshop Persons who ran the workshop: KSI GreendayFox KSI Kerfuffle
  9. I agree 100%. KSI ROCKDOGG puts a lot of work into is squad.
  10. Is it possible to have a stickied post in the AAP forum that lists the current possible Awards and their banner? I’m sure a lot of people would love to nominate others for their achievements but if we don’t know the requirements or possibilities then we don’t know to nominate them. Plus the banners look great but it would be nice if we knew how they were earned. It’s hard to suggest new awards if we don’t know all the current ones available.
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