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    Going out and being a proper boog
  • Gamertag
    ITz Da Boogs
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    The Boogs#9180

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  1. Gamertag/Forums name: ksi boogdaddy its da Boogs Award: new member workshop Evidence: NA Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Eslin024
  2. Gamertag: KSI M3NTALIST 7 Reason: M3NTALIST is one the first people I met when I joined KSI. This man ALWAYS does everything in his power to help a member. He's always someone you can count on to get something done, you can always look to him for solid advice. Whenever someone has a question, he always has the best answer, and if by chance he doesn't, he finds out whatever it is that needs to be known. He's always there for his members, is someone's not feeling great, he always offers to play a game, or he offers his ear. Now M3NTALIST has given such an exemplary example of how to be. I strive to put forth an effort in things that M3NTALIST would approve of. His example and talent for leadership is something everyone should push themselves to achieve!
  3. Man, M3NTALIST is one of the first people I met when I joined, this man has ALWAYS been so involved with the community, he never shudders away from a challenge. Anyone who's ever had personal issues, and there he is man, doing what he can to make you smile! Anytime there's been issues that I assumed couldn't be salvaged or made better, here comes this guy with unwavering determination and commitment, not just to the community, but the individual people within in it, everyone is on equal terms in his eyes, when it comes to situations between members, M3NTALIST doesn't play favorites, he works to find the best possible solution for all parties involved. In my opinion and experience within this community, M3NTALIST is THE example of what members who are serious about investing their time into nurturing the growth of this community, should strive to be!
  4. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI BOOGDADDY Award: New member certified Evidence: completed new member workshop on 5/11/18 Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Akame 7
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