Gamertag - KSI Akame 7
Forums Account -@KSI Akame 7
Award - OS level 2
Reason for nomination - KSI Akame 7 has been overseeing the division Last Strike of KSI as its Co Div for some time now, day by day solving any problems that any of the 7's staff or squads have, he is always there for any advice or answers any of the division will ask or need. Akame 7 has the full support of the 7's and officers of Last Strike due to his knowledge, strength and integrity towards his role and division, Akame 7 has also tirelessly motivated the division during special events like Spirit Week or Spring break and will continue to do so in whichever role he may hold. I am confident there will be witnesses to this award nomination as it is thouroughly deserved