Category: Division Leader
Gamertag: KSI Eyonyia 7
Forums Account/Link: @KSI Eyonia 7
Reason they deserve this award: Eyo has always been there for me, not just as a div lead but as someone who will listen. She has also worked very hard to pull Banshee back together agin. And she helped get DLCs for Destiny.
Category: Lieutenant
Gamertag: KSI ApexWolf
Forums Account/Link: @KSI ApexWolf
Reason he deserves this award: He has accepted me into Banshee with open arms and has helped me through personal situations. Shadow has also taught me very much about being a SSGT and what my duties are/how to do them. Shadow also helped me get my DLCs for Destiny.
Category: Sergeant
Gamertag: Crazy Bear52
Forums Account/Link: @Crazybear52
Reason he deserves this award: Even though Crazy was in a different squad, he accepted me as his own. He has also helped me through many struggles through life. And he also helped buy the DLCs for Destiny.