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Wynter last won the day on July 11 2019

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    The Present
  • Interests
    Destiny 2/ Gaming/ wondering why this feels like a dating site application/ Trading Card Games/ Anime
  • Gamertag
    Not Ace
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. Hey buddy, how’ve you been?

  2. KSI Daddy1246 Round of Applaude/Winter is Coming @KSI Fax i have 20 awards and a staff award
  3. yup. nope. i missed that. that is my bad. will be doing his name change later today. will update as soon as i get it done.
  4. LordOfHunter689 @Hunterking Gamerscore Hoarder Gamerscore Master he has 50113 gamerscore.
  5. CoFo KSI Dragons 7 DM Hellborn/Insanity @Dragons 7 man i haven’t done one of these in months. should probably not post that. going to... but probably shouldn’t. anyway. this man has had my back since i came back and decided to be an officer again. from helping me hide the bodies to giving me advice and pointers he’s always been there. he balances RL and Xbox like he’s been walking a knifes edge since he was a kid and always tries to make himself available to anyone that needs him. i’ve seen him in parties late into the night and when i’d ask what he was doing the next day “dealing with issues man. you know how it is.” unfortunately no i do not. not the point tho. Cpt KSI UppishB592 DM/Hellborn @KSI UppishB592 its funny. if Dragons is the sounding board for my ideas, then Uppish is the brush with which i make my vision come to life. whether it’s handling meetings because i’m either out or in a meeting of my own, or dealing with the squad when i’m in my own head, he’s always there ready to enact my plan. we don’t always see eye to eye but most of the time we are on the same page. we’ve messaged each other like yo need to talk then when we hook up it’s like YOOO I WAS JUST THINKING THAT SAME THING! he’s an awesome Captain, and he’ll make an excellent Gen one day. he just needs to slow down a bit and enjoy the migraine free days while they last. Lt KSIxMissVixen DM/Hellborn @KSIxMissVixen shes been my newest go-to when i need something done delicately. she’s always available and i know that when i need someone to gently tell a member something i can trust that she’ll get it done with no muss or fallout. she’s been an integral part of the team since she’s joined. doing promos and trainings with a zeal and flair i haven’t seen in a while. not to mention the sheer excitement she exudes when it comes to her gamenights. i’ve NEVER seen anyone more excited to host a gamenight. SSGT KSIxTHOR DM/Hellborn @KSIxTHOR He kinda had a bit of a slow start where he was trying to find his legs, but once he did he was frickin GONE! he’s taken to being an officer like a fish takes to water or like white takes to rice. he’s the most rounded officer i know, he just needs a bit more confidence. so i’ve been stress testing him which kinda looks like bullying. was just looking for him to tell me to stop. but 3 recruits in 2 days isn’t bad for a newbie. i hope to be able to watch him grow for a long time to come.
  6. KSI Fax @KSI Fax Forums Newb i have 163ish posts and kinda new forums.
  7. sweet! @KSI Siggy that sounds great man
  8. @Kalakoi a d2 gamenight could be fun. crucible customs. raids. help with quests and exotics. sounds like a plan. can you message me on xbox to see about moving forward with this idea?
  9. i’ve noticed that a lot of the members of DM seem to be under a rock of near ignorance that there is a larger KSI then our own little slice of the kingdom. so i’m looking for officers from other divisions interested in hosting either GTA Stunt Races or Destiny 2 customs or something that we can hammer out when the time is right. if interested i’m KSI Nevermore over in DM. feel free to hmu. if there is a proper format for this just point me in the right direction and i’ll fix it. i apologize in advance.
  10. @Bane 7 it should be fixed now
  11. KSI UppishB592 @KSI UppishB592 Helping Hand A member of Hellborn was considering becoming an officer. the only obstacle was he didn't have a KSI name. my mans Uppish went to the store and got this man a 10$ code to get a new name. (he was previously UnbeltedGold 753. hes now KSI Unbelted) @Dragons 7 can you witness my mans?
  12. KSI Nevermore @KSI Nevermore im self nominating for On Point because i have 15 awards. Staff award i would like is Destiny. proof is right around vv there ish
  13. Dragons... jesus christ this man has been thru the wringer. from 2 generals going AWOL to me messaging members of blacklisted communities to request their KSI Gamertag. this man has dealt with all of it and kept a smile on his face, despite knowing that there have been a few situations that if we were face to face he’d have probably strangled me with that same smile and gone about his day like nothing happened. i personally think that he deserves it just for having to put up with me but that’s not gonna be enough. i know he’s been thru a lot before we met but i’m hesitant to ask about that time because i don’t want to be told it’s none of my business. so i’ll leave it at the dumb stuff ive done and put him thru.
  14. ok. so i have an idea. not sure if it’s already been said but there are 38 pages and i’m hella lazy and i don’t want to read all of them. so the idea is a Squad level Outstanding Service award. requirements should be similar the the normal Outstanding Servince. going above and beyond for your squad. witness statements would need to be from officers and 7s directly responsible for your squad. it should be capped at Captain or lower because as far as i’m concerned there is no “Above and Beyond” for a general your responsibility is the health and wellbeing of your squad and you can’t go out of your way to do something you are already suppose to be doing.
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