Gamertag ,division,rank- Ksi akame 7, Last strike. Founder. Likes to forums account- @KSI Akame 7 Reasoning why- He is taking his time to run my squad impulse after the cofounder and gen left and has been helping us rebuild the squad to a decent number as we speak and he is putting time in training the officers In impulse personally. Gamertag, division,rank- Ksi janedoe,eternal souls,2nd cpt forums account- @KSI JaneDoe reasoning why- I ran into Jane while doing cross division gameplay since then she has been taking her own time to teach me and inform me of Ksi and it’s policy even though I not even from her division or squad I can with her ask any question and know it will be answered correctly and in a timely manner. She also teaches in a manner that she knows I will understand just from when we game together and she notices how I learn and uses it in her teaching methods so I can learn in a manner that will best suit me.