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KSI BattleBear8

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KSI BattleBear8 last won the day on August 30 2018

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About KSI BattleBear8

  • Birthday 04/30/2002

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    The Upside Down
  • Gamertag
    KSI BattleBear8
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  • Discord
    KSI BattleBear8#0334
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KSI BattleBear8's Achievements


Newbie (1/4)



  1. Gamertag - KSI BattleBear8 Awards - Gamerscore Rookie and Forums Noob Evidence - https://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45426-ksi-battlebear8/, https://account.xbox.com/en-in/Profile?xr=mebarnav&rtc=1
  2. Name: KSI BattleBear8 Award: Ripple Effect Evidence: I have 10 awards Staf award: Ceros Little Helper
  3. Name: KSI BattleBear8 Link to Forums Account: @KSI BattleBear8 Award-/-Achievement: Legen- Reason-/-Evidence: I currently have 7 awards All Lower Award Tier(s): none Requested Staff Award(s): Rimpyy 2K18
  4. I would like to see a fortnite tournament, I think it could work if we did a free for all style type of event
  5. Name: KSI BattleBear8 Award: Spirit Week 2018 Evidence: participated in WW2 4v4.
  6. Name: @KSI BattleBear8 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Have completed the required training. Person who ran the workshop: KSI Blood 7.
  7. oI have 2 questions. 1. How do u keep ur recruits involved in the KSI community when it seems that they don't really care.Because I see a lot of recruits come into KSI and then they don't really care about anything and then 3 months later, they wanna get involved. What's the most efficient way to keep them involved and interested ? 2. I know KSI now is more centered around COD HH teams, but what if we considered making a Halo HH team. I think it would be good if we brought back our old roots and started a HH team for Halo.
  8. I would like to see a poker tournament or 6v6 paladins match
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