=========================Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Blood General/HellbornLink to forums account or @ mention - http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44559-ksi-bl00d/Reasoning why they deserve this - KSI Blood is a devoted leader. He does everything in his power to keep everything in order and keep everything running smoothly. He is the definition of what it means to “Never leave another KSI Member behind” by that meaning he includes everyone he can and always tries to do what’s the best for his fellow members. He trains his staff thoroughly and makes sure they have the ability to go as far in KSI as they desire. He even pushes people to there full potential. If I have an issue, question, idea, etc. he will find the best way to resolve it, find the best correct answer he can, and will work with your ideas to better current and future members in KSI’s experience.