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KSI Ohana 7

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KSI Ohana 7 last won the day on March 17 2018

KSI Ohana 7 had the most liked content!

About KSI Ohana 7

  • Birthday January 1

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  1. A lot of Last Strike Members would like to see a FOR HONOR Weekend Warfare! :D
  2. Hey, just a quick question, I played Rainbow Six Siege for spring break from Last Strike Division. But never was awarded the springbreak award. Cherry 7 came in and told the group she wanted to get names down to reward us for participation. I also voted on the poles. Do I not get a award because I didnt comment?
  3. Name: KSI Blazuto 7 Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/39046-ksi-blazuto-7/ Award-/-Achievement: Member Assistance Reason-/-Evidence: Blaze Genuinely does everything perfectly the first time and whenever a situation has arise he comes straight to the party and helps out his members! I know blaze really deserves this award! Sorry for the dely I thought my post was posted but I got a reminder it wasnt! Another thing blaze has done has been on top of his duties in KSI!
  4. Name: KSI Mayor Link To Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45329-ksi-mayor/ Award-/-Achievement: GamerScore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Member has over 20k Gamecore! https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?GamerTag=KSI Mayor Name: KSI Anup Link To Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45435-ksi-aunp/ Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: Member has over 20k Gamerscore! https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?GamerTag=KSI Anup Name: KSI Memes Link To Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/35172-ksi-memes/ Award-/Achievement: Gamescore Hoarder Reason-/Evidence: Member has a gamerscore over 20k! https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?GamerTag=KSI Memes
  5. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI KiLLER 7 (GEN, 7 LEGEND)Link to forums account - @KSI KiLLER 7Reasoning why they deserve this - So withing the past 4 months of having being part of this community Killer has gone above and beyond the standers of KSI. He is intent with his work and makes sure that everybody is on the same page. Whenever you feel like your stuck he will get you out of there. I've never met someone who directs a meeting so carefully and clear as he does. With recruiting he make KSI A fun loving environment. I know him being a GEN everything will go smooth. Member Of The Month:Gamertag (Rank- Division/ Squad)- KSI WarMine (SGT, Legend) Link Of Forums Account: @KSI WarMine Reasoning why they deserve this: Warmine, is such a dedicated person into moving up the ranks. He is thriving and working hard to make sure he does what he has to do to be apart of this community you can clearly see his heart and soul is into KSI. I couldn't think of anyone else more than him to deserve this award.
  6. Gamertag/rank/div/squad KSI Memes - SSGT - LS -Midgard @ mention @KSI Memes Reason: Memes is the one dude that you can confined in, when he knows the difference between right and wrong. He's just so pure and optimistic. Whenever I find myself in a situation that I feel left out at; I remember that I always have memes always by my side and no matter what always my best friend. The ONLY reason why I joined KSI was because of this man. I stayed the whole way through. You gave me a family and you gave me friends and for that I cannot thank you enough 1 paragraph isn't enough for how much I owe to you. Im grateful to have you in my life and have you in KSI. Just remember to always be awesome and always be true to your self Memes and your life is so much brighter than you think. Gaming with you is just an adventure intself I never thought that playing a simple game could take me to other worlds the way you show me. Ark taming dinos? Flying Wyverns almost feels real. We build the best houses and suffer the same pain I can truly say you are my other half. No one could ever compare to how such an amazing person you are. Alright im done being cheesy but you stay golden ponyboy stay golden. Gamertag/rank/div/squad Ksi ENDGAME - 2LT - LS - Legend @ mention @Endgame Reason: First off why inst his name KSI? Just kidding. Now im not just posting this because you posted it about me but im posting this because you've always had my back. Even when im a pain you know just the right words to say to me and you know exactly how to figure out situations when the time is needed for the answers. I literally never thought I could find someone whos is entirely like me half the time. Were both stubborn and we both know when to walk away. Were not afraid to tell others how we feel. You have done above and beyond for this community and I know right now things don't seem stable but if you stick around and work as hard as you do good things will come. especially for those who wait. You bring the Spiffy out of yourself. I swear life is so great to have you in it so thanks bubby! Gamertag/rank/div/squad KSI ODINN 7 - 2CPT - LS - MIDGARD @ mention @KSI ODINN 7 Reason: Flaw, you may not know this but you literately saved my life...not physically but mentally. I know we don't talk as much but I literally look up to you the most. When it comes down to being a Officer. Everybody in KSI has so much respect for you and never have I heard a single bad thing. The first weeks of ksi you helped me with a situation that at that time you didn't know me as well. But through out that tear I felt in that moment alone, nobody cared and nobody had my back. But you were there to jump in-front of the line and pick me back up. I honestly think and believe you are the other reason im in KSI. You gave me a voice and I cherish that for life. You risked me from having to be put in that situation again. I can't thank you enough. the best part of being ksi spiffy is being called the spiffs., I finally got a nickname and I finally have a family. Thank you again flaw.
  7. Hey just came to follow you and let you know you are a beauty! Truly love you Lei boo :*

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