KSI LeedleLee16 here, Witnessing for both!
Member assistance:
if anyone in Samurai or even outside of Samurai has a questions, Kamikaze is the go- to guy. He’s always willing to go the extra mile to help. I can’t count on my fingers how many times I’ve been in a party with him and someone joins just to ask a question and Kam is willing to answer, and if he doesn’t know he will find the answer for them!
Kamikaze was the one who recruited me into KSI on 1-11-18. The date today is 3-3-18 and I am now 1LT of Samurai. There’s is absolutely no way I would know half of the things I know if it wasn’t for Kam. I’m just a short amount of time he has gave me the tools and guidance to help me rank up and get to where I need to be.