Gamertag (Rank & Division/Squad) - KSI ROMAN 7 DL, TW, EO
Reason Why They Deserve This: Roman has always been there for us and his divisions. He is very good at his job and he also makes sure all of us stay in line.
Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank & Division/Squad) - KSI Lazar 7 of DL
Reason Why They Deserve This: Lazar is the Father of the division and does more work then anyone I know.
Co-Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank & Division/Squad) - KSI WALLACE 7 of DL
Reason Why They Deserve This: Wallace is a very entertaining and well-planted leader. He always helps out when people are in need.
Gamertag (Rank & Division/Squad) - KSI VENUM 7 of DL
Reason Why They Deserve This: Venum is on constantly doing his work and always on top of things he
Gamertag (Rank & Divison/Squad) - KSI Tazz 7 of Dl
Reason Why They Deserve This: I have been with Taz since our clan GI and he does his work.
Gamertag (Rank & Division/Squad) - KSI MrN1NJ4 of Wendigo DL
Reason Why They Deserve This: As a General I have never seen anyone work as hard as he does with little people within a division.