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Everything posted by Countri

  1. Team Captain:KSI CountriFied Division:WD Teammate:KSI WaviestSnow Division:WD
  2. Name: KSI Skychild Link to Account: @KSI Skychild Award: Gamer score MasterReasons: Member has gamer score of 50,026
  3. KSI Skychild has been there for me if i ever need anything.when i first become an officer when i was DW.I was rough around the edges and he groomed me into a great officer.When i host tournments he helps me put in money for it.When someone doesnt have money for a gamertag changes he gives them a gift card so they change it.
  4. KSI T1ger is a great asset to wicked destruction.She helps by getting members to do weekend warefares,post clips/montages,and SYTYCW for divisional points.She help us win the forums challenge for Fall Classic by getting all members she could from the division to vote and post a comment.She is in marketing and she always advertising for marketing.She helps me out if i need help or need suggestions.She also Hosts PO workshops for our division everyweek.She always in a party with Members ,she does a great job with member retention.
  5. Gamertag:KSI Skychild link to forums:@KSI Skychild Award:Helping hands Evidence:He helped me buy game and pay for my original KSI gamertag change
  6. Award: Twitch Sub Link to profile: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45319-ksi-countrified/ Evidence: @impyyy
  7. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Demon 666 KSIxRONL64 KSI Tinlock Award:Train the Trainer Certification Any evidence if required attended my train the trainer workshop Profile Link if possible @KSI Demon 666 @KSIxRONL64 @KSI Tinlock
  8. Gamertag / Forums Name KSI Demon 666 Award:Basic Training Certification Any evidence if required attended my basic training workshop Profile Link if possible http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/30987-ksi-demon-666/
  9. Team Captain:KSI CountriFied Division:WD Teammate #2:KSI Folkstyle Division:WD Teammate #3:KSI Dark Angel Division:WD
  10. Name: KSI Khaos 8856Link to Account: @KSI Khaos 8856Award: Gamer score HoarderReasons: Member has gamer score of 76,419
  11. Team Captain: KSI CountriFied Division: WD Teammate:KS Taywick 77 Division:WD
  12. Gamertag / Forums Name:KSI TRUCKER69,KSI Khaos 8856 Award: Basic Training Ceritified Any evidence if required (Pictures are great too): Both Attended Basic Training Workshop Hosted by KSI CountriFied Profile Link if possible @KSITRUCKER69 @KSI Khaos 8856
  13. can we have a weekend warefare for bo4 on 10/13/18
  14. I Claim KSI Skychild as my mentor He trained me,promoted me,he helped me become an officer,he helped me run security checks after SOG Hydra 7 left and when J2H started poaching our members
  15. FounderGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI HAVOC 7(DW Founder)Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/8645-ksi-havoc-7/Reasoning why they deserve this -He accepted possible recruits with low gamerscores while we were on lockdownGeneralGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Skychild (General-DW/ElysiumLink to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/42696-ksiskychild/Reasoning why the deserve this -He helped keep the squad intact while TSB and J2H were poaching our members and he keeps us busy with game nightsCaptainGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Zombie98(3CPT-DW/ELYSIUM)Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45136-ksi-zombie98/Reasoning why they deserve this -He helped me become a better officer and he helps out members and officers if they need itDepartment Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI xKamikaze(2CPT-DW/SAMURAILink to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41056-ksi-xkamikaze/Reasoning why they deserve this -He's actively post activities to keep our members busy MemberGamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI x Brownie (3LT-DW/ElysiumLink to forums account-http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/45665-ksi-x-brownie/Reasoning why they deserve this -he been helping the squad and division grow by bringing in recruits,training and promoting people
  16. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Jhwestm Award:New Member Certified Evidence: I attended KSI Skychild's workshop for New Member Certified. Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Skychild
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