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KSI AllStarRM17

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KSI AllStarRM17 last won the day on August 31 2018

KSI AllStarRM17 had the most liked content!


About KSI AllStarRM17

  • Birthday June 7

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    KSI AllStarRM 7
  • Date Recruited
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  • Division
    Crimson Dawn
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Newbie (1/4)



  1. NY Rangers. Got go with the team that is closest to me though the Devils are in my state
  2. I’m not sure what more I can add about KSI Officer Pup that hasn’t already been said. I can tell you that since she became gen of Prodigy my old squad seems to have more energy to it than it has in awhile. She helped build the squad she transferred from from a dying and inactive squad to an extremely active and thriving squad. She always seems to be able to make people smile and is always trying to help others and get them involved
  3. Team Captain: KSI AllStarRM17 Div: CD Teammate: KSI Fewstwriter Div: CD
  4. GT: KSI Fewstwriter Forum sacking: @KSI Fewstwriter Award: Gamerscore Hoarder Reason: Fewstwriter has a Gamerscore of 24675 and deserves this award. He may be new to this community but he put his work in the games he plays
  5. Team Captain: KSI AllStarRM17 CD Teammate: KSI R3V 7 CD Teammate: KSI Delta05 CD
  6. Gamertag: KSI AllStarRM17 Forums Account: @KSI AllStarRM17 Award: Gamerscore Horder Evidence: I have a gamerscore of 43,991
  7. NY Giants and my favorite two players to this day are the original LT and Greg Lloyd
  8. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI AllStarRM17 Award: New Member Certified Evidence: Completed workshop on 4/17/18 Person(s) who ran the workshop: @KSI Gambit 7
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