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Toxic Titan
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Everything posted by KSIxROMEO 7

  1. Member Gamertag( Rank-Division/Squad) KSI Joe 7 (Gen- DM/Cruelty) @KSI Joe 7 Reason they deserve this- Joe has been there for me sinse day one. He is ALWAYS there for everyone in KSI no matter what squad. He has stepped up big time in the last couple months to help build up and keep his squad active and thriving.. the family like environment that he strives for shows in every party he is involved in. We have all become so much closer, and it is thanks to him. 7 Gamertag (Rank- Division/Squad) KSI Gruntier 7 (Founder- DM) @KSI Gruntier 7 Reason they deserve this- Gruntier is the rock everyone leans on in DM. He has stepped up and taken the reigns over DM to help out with leaders having extra IRL workloads and responcibilities. He has done an amazing job and is so well respected and looked up too. We all appreciate everything he does..
  2. Why is the max number of squad members 90 before having to split the squad?
  3. Category: Co-founder Gamertag: KSI Joe 7 Account: @KSI Joe 7 Reason: I am still fairly new to KSI, and Joe has been there from the start. I can always count on him no matter the issue. He's always ready and willing to help. He has played a big role in peaking my interest in becoming an officer and really diving into KSI. I'm Very happy he introduced me to this amazing community. I've still got a lot to learn but I know no matter what I can always go to him. This is how he is with everyone he meets, he is a great leader and awesome person. Category: General Gamertag: KSIXFORSAKEN Account: @FORSAKEN Reason: Forsaken is a great leader. He is ready to help and get you pointed in the right direction. He stays really involved with his officers making sure they have what they need and keeps them working together. He has done an awesome job making cruelty a great place to be with awesome people to be with. Catagory: Captain Gamertag: KSI Blood Account: @KSI Blood Reason: Blood has risen quickly and for good reason. No one is more involved or eager to work with their squad then him. He is always around and making sure everyone is doing ok. He makes it his mission to see everyone is and feels included. I'm very glad to have the opportunity to work with him and cannot wait to see how far ge can go. He is an amazing leader and an awesome friend to all.
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