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Everything posted by KSIxROMEO 7

  1. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. 7's Rep: KSIxROMEO 7 2. 7's Rep: KSI Dragons 7 Alternate:
  2. Map Holder: KSI FunTimeFoxy Division: Demonic Mayhem Best Viewing Time (between 12 - 6:30 EST June 23rd): Any
  3. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. Gamertag of Rep: KSI MeShell 7 (FT. KSIxROMEO 7 as Billy Ray Cyrus) 2. Gamertag of Rep: Luminairus Alternate: KSI BLUBOX
  4. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. Team Captain: KSI Blocky 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Jupiter 7 3. Gamertag of Rep: frvnchise Alternate
  5. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. Team Captain: KSI BlazeCoMay 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Mitch 3. Gamertag of Rep: infinityhunt Alternate: KSI Dragons 7
  6. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Panda 7 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI xRonin4896x 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Nevermore Alternate: KSI TyraTreXxuS
  7. Division: Demonic Mayhem Team 1: 1. Team Captain: KSI Trixie 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSIxTHOR 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI TIMBERKING 4. Gamertag of Rep: KSI EzeD24 Alternate: KSI TyraTreXxuS
  8. Division: Demonic Mayhem 1. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Soap 7 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Fats McGee 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI UppishB592 Alternate: KSI MeShell 7
  9. Team 1: 1. Team Captain: KSI TyraTreXxuS 2. Gamertag of Rep: infinityhunt 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Radi0active Alternate: Team 2: 1. Team Captain: KSIxTHOR 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Gaming20 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Soultrain Alternate
  10. Team 1: 1. Team Captain: KSI NightDaff 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI UppishB592 3. Gamertag of Rep: HUNTERKING555 Alternate Team 2: 1. Team Captain: ManuelGalaxy289 2. Gamertag of Rep: Stevie Schroder 3. Gamertag of Rep: Skully XV Alternate
  11. Team 1: 1. Team Captain: KSI Fats McGee 2. Gamertag of Rep: KSI SkullCru5her 3. Gamertag of Rep: KSI Vonner 7 4. Gamertag of Rep: KSI ATRIOX Alternate: KSI Dragons 7
  12. Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI MeShell 7 Award-/-Achievement: Trainer Reason-/-Evidence: I can verify that MeShell has done more than 30+ trainings and promotions
  13. I witness and can verify this member has 30 trainings
  14. I can witness and verify that she has over 30+ trainings
  15. Scotland's Jacobites Meeps Minions Support Group Winter is coming @KSI xKamikaze
  16. Gamertag: KSI Dragons 7 Link to Forums Account: @Dragons 7 Award-/-Achiev- DieHard Reason-/-Evidence: Dragons and I have worked closely together for some time now. He is one of the main reasons for the success of Hellborn today. As he worked his way up to CoFounder with other officers falling off due to IRL or other reasons, he pushed through and worked on the squad. Even after becoming CoFo, he has been acting Gen 3 times I believe. Never complaining and just working to make the div better.
  17. Gamertag: KSI MeShell 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSI MeShell 7 Award-/-Achiev- DieHard Reason-/-Evidence: since MeShell has come to DM, she has been a huge part of its success. She transferred to the Cruelty squad and dug her heels in and got to work. Recruiting, hosting gamenights, training members and new officers. She has worked her way up to CoFounder again. Yet with DM and its officer curse it seems to have at times. She has been acting Gen since her promotion. Every time it looked like there could be a replacement, real life happened. But she has pushed through. And even managed to help with the other squads and there issues as well. No matter what comes her way, she pushes through and keeps moving forward.
  18. Gamertag: KSIxROMEO 7 Link to Forums Account: @KSIxROMEO 7 Award-/-Achiev- Legen-, Ripple Effect, On Point, Round of Applause Reason-/-Evidence: I have 23 awards.
  19. I witness that this member has 30 trainings. Can provide verification of needed
  20. Uppish has been one of the most driven people I've seen since hes come to KSI. Every time he talks with someone that has any kind of KSI knowledge, he wants it. Always learning. And always striving to be better. Though there have been a few bumps in the road. He always bounces back, and does better then ever. He has played a huge part in the current success of his squad. From recruiting, to just hanging out with the members so they have someone to play with. Uppish goes above and beyond what is expected of him. Hes always available and willing to help with any issue. If he doesnt have the answer or solution, he'll get it ASAP. He has no problem reaching out for help. I cant wait to see what's is store for this guy as he continues to grow.
  21. Whiskey has been a vital part of the current success that his squad(Discord) has been experiencing. He goes above and beyond to help ensure that the officer staff is getting things done, and are being acting with the squad as well. Whiskey goes out of his way to bring in more quality recruits to further the squad. Actually ending the month in a tie of 2nd over all for the Div for the month of May. Whiskey is always searching for more information about KSI and its ins and outs. Spreading that knowledge as he goes. He has been a huge help with getting the newer officers trained up properly and encouraging them to reach for higher heights. He is very active in our discord server, talking with the squads and trying to get people more evolved, and is always available for the members when in need. I look forward to see how things unfold as this guy continues his KSI story.
  22. Even though Nevermore hasn't been all over KSI, if you are from DM, you know who he is. He is a VERY unique person. There is never a dull moment when Nevermore is around. You always know that it's about to get exciting when Nevermore joins the party. If you were to ask anyone in his squad they would say that Nevermore is the first name they could think of when they hear the words, Drama Queen
  23. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MeShell 7 (CoFo- DM) Link to forums account - @KSI MeShell 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - MeShell is still farely new to our 7 staff here in DM, but you would never have thought it. From day 1 she has just hit the ground running. Getting to know her second squad more. Helps out with gamenights, recruits, training new officers, and reaching out to members to get to know them. She is always coming up with different ways to get people involved, and has been a great help getting squads moving in the right direction. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Joe 7 (Gan- DM/Sinister) Link to forums account - @KSI Joe 7 Reasoning why the deserve this - Joe has taken his new squad and super sized it. It has become one of our best and most active squads here in DM. He is always getting to know his members any way he can, and wanting to help as much as possible. He is a recruiting master, and it's amazing to see how close he becomes with each and every recruit he gets. Always inviting members around just to hang out and talk or just game with. He is truly the definition of leading by example. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI UppishB592 (1CPT- DM/Hellborn) Link to forums account - @KSI UppishB592 Reasoning why they deserve this - Uppish has played a key role in getting his squad back on track and moving in the right direction. From doubling up on gamenights to just hanging out with members. He is always seeking out more knowledge and ways to help the members in the squad and the division. Hes a little rough around the edges sometimes, but is always trying to improve himself. He works hard and never gives up. I really look forward to seeing what this guy brings to the table in his future endeavors. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sgt Peppers (2LT- DM/Discord) Link to forums account - @KSI Sgt Peppers Reasoning why they deserve this - I dont really know Sgt Peppers on a personal level, but she has been an awesome officer. Always looking to help out in any way possible. Hosting gamenights, getting to know the members, recruiting, and more. Always seeking out knowledge so she can improve. All the members in her squad have only great things to say about her. It has been quite inspiring to see the amount of effort and care she puts into being not only an officer, but a member of KSI. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSIDntAskImAwfl (SSGT- DM/Venom) Link to forums account - @KSIdontask Reasoning why they deserve this - DontAsk has been a HUGE help with getting venom active and moving forward again. Her Gamenights are always a blast, people just hanging out and playing games. Everyone flocks to her when she gets online. DontAsk is always going the extra mile to make sure that the members are well taken care of and happy. Downloads games so she can play with people. Sending out encouraging messages when someone is feeling down, and just spending time to get to know each member as an individual. She embodies what it means to be a leader, and what it means to be a member of KSI.
  24. I can verify this.. she is in all three.
  25. If SSGT is a permanent Officer position now, why aren't there a separate nomination spot for them on the OTMs like the other officer positions?
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