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Joker 77

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Everything posted by Joker 77

  1. I have friends that have served our contry, or have served other countries. For me this day is to give the small thanks that we can to those that have put their lives on the line and fought for everyone. I wish our country did more for our veterans since they deserve more. Thank you for your service.
  2. I grew up in a really bad side of town so we didnt trick or treat often. We did stay in and watch movies. Halloween town was always our go to as kids
  3. Favorite movie is episode 3 Favorite thing out of the whole franchise is the Clone wars show Favorite character is either Darth Nihilus or Darth Revan
  4. When i was a kid we use to have a massive egg hunt on my aunts farm. Now as an adult my mom makes a massive dinner for everyone.
  5. Best performance? Probably last years. Honestly any preformance was better than maroon 5
  6. KSI Joker 77 - @Joker 77 award - its my birthday? (I dont know what its called i couldnt find it lol) evidence - todays my birthday, sub and jewels told me to put this in
  7. KSI xJoker 7 @KSI xJoker 7 Award 1: Double Trouble Evidance:i used to be a Co-Founder in CD back in 2017-2018, Either @KSI Swag 77 or @KSI DarkAngeI 7 can vouch for my clan ops 7. And @The ChadMincan vouch for my web ops 7 Award 2: Committed Evidence: was recruited into KSI on 5/17/21 Award 3: Gamerscore collector Evidence: Gamerscore sent to Nezuko
  8. My goal is to move up at my job and start a family with my wife!
  9. Id have to say my most joyous Christmas would be the one where i proposed to @KSI Jewels 7
  10. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Rage LT ES Kraken Link to forums account - @KSIRage Reasoning why they deserve this - this man has been through alot this past month im his personal life, but that doesnt seem to stop him for putting time aside for our members. This man is constantly checking in on everyone even when his world is crumbling down. When you look up our reason for strength it should be replaced with two words, KSI Rage. Hes the first person to step up in our squad and the last to make sure his needs are being met everyday day he reminds by his actions how privileged i am to be alongside him. SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Spice SSGT ES Kraken Link to forums account - @KSI Spice Reasoning why they deserve this - theres not enough words in the dictionary to use to describe spice. Ever since this amazing lady stepped into Kraken shes been a wild fire, shes literally came in and stepped on everyones toes (even mine) to prove a point. That point was to show everyone that shes not to be messed with and that we can either help her or get out of her way. Shes came in and forced organization where i didnt think it was needed. Even as we speak shes going through a hurricane but still finds it important to check in on the squad and set people straight when we mess up her lists. If theres any point i can drive home its this, spice scares me. The reason why is because she reminds me of myself 5 years ago, and if she continues down this path she'll be the div leader in ES in no time.
  11. Host - KSI xJoker 7 Workshop - Rank Structure Award - Rank structure certified Attendance - KSI Rage @KSIRage Evidence- i Hosted the workshop Host - KSI xJoker 7 Workshop - Forums Award - Forums Certified Attendance - KSI Rage @KSIRage Evidence- i hosted the workshop
  12. Senior Leader Gamertag - KSI Bane 7 (Head Media Officer) link - @Bane 7 Reasoning - This guys has been like a mentor for me. Whether its been in the Rejoin section or the Discord mod section. Hes always had alot of wisdom to share and has shown me how to grow as a member of web ops. Hes always there to brighten up your day and make you smile. Hes a fantastic person to be around and always makes time for anyone and everyone. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Hex 77 (ES Director) Link to forums account - @KSI Hex 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - Hex (gambit) has always been an incredible leader to work beside, hes been the voice of reason here in ES while we go through our growing pains. His leadership is certainly needed due to keeping us level headed and grounded. Co-Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Eyonia 7 (ES CoFo) Link to forums account - @KSI Eyonia 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - i honestly cant thank this lady enough. Shes been gone for a minute due to her personal life but when Shes come back shes spread as much wisdom as she can and has helped influence the way my squad has evolved. She has helped mentor me since ive come back to KSI and im honestly so greatful for her and the kindness she shares among ES. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI HARLEY 7 (KRAKEN ES CPT) Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - Why does she deserve this? When you go to the Officer Academy server and you look up what a captain does it shows a picture of Harley. What i mean is that she is the pure definition of an amazing Captain and everyone should model what they do after her. Shes impacted my life numerous ways since shes became an officer. Shes taught me a different kind of level of leadership and understanding when it comes to talking to people and i see this influence spread to my other officers and members. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI BlkJesus (Kraken ES) Link to forums account - @Black Jesus Reasoning why they deserve this - So ill be completely honest, there was a moment i was concerned for the future for this young man. He wasn't doing much as an officer but something changed. Recently its like something awoke in him and hes been everywhere and done everything. Hes gone above and beyond for his position and has spread his now "Cult" to other squads. Hes always there for anyone to be a shoulder to cry on or that person you have a new joke to try on. Whatever it maybe this guy has made it his goal to be something great and im thoroughly excited to see how he grows. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Boootz 7 Link to forums account - @Boootz Reasoning why they deserve this - Since day one of me ever joining web ops boootz has be hard on me and pushed me to succeed even when i thought couldnt. Shes been fantastic to work alongside, she expects greatness out of everyone around her and nothingless which has inspired a plethora of people to do their best. Department Member (STAFF) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jewels (Senior Join mod) Link to forums account - @KSI Jewels Reasoning why they deserve this - when i was a Join Moderator she made it a priority to sit down with me when i had complicated questions. Shes always worked hard to make sure those around her succeed and become successful.
  13. I dont know if this is necessarily a good (crazy) memory or not but when i was around the ages of 6 - 8 i was playing in the front yard of my cousins house while people were shooting off fire works. Well they lit a rocket one (from what i remember) and instead of shooting upwards into the air. It made a direct beeline to me, had to jump out of the way. I almost go hit. So yeah. Thats one of my major memories....for some reason.
  14. 06/30/2022 Host - KSI xJoker 7 Award - CAPS Certified CAPS Workshop Attendance - KSIREDDRAGON @KSIREDDRAGON KSI Rage @KSIRage KSI Raccoon7 @Toxic Dredge Evidence - im the one who hosted the workshop
  15. 06/30/2022 Hosted by - KSI xJoker 7 Workshop(s) - Recruiting and Basic Training Award(s) - Recruiting Certified Basic Training Certified Attendance - KSI Rage @KSIRage
  16. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MtnDewBB Link to forums account - @KSI Franklin Reasoning why they deserve this - This man has been an absolute joy to work with. Everyday hes taken such a load of my shoulders that is virtually unrivaled. Hes been right there to help not only me but his fellow officers. Hes been a huge impact in the training of the people around him while having an insane work schedule. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Harley 7 Link to forums account - @KSI HARLEY 7 Reasoning why they deserve this - I honestly dont know where to start. Harley has overcome one of her biggest weaknesses, Recruiting. Shes turned into a literal powerhouse and has brought in fantastic people into Kraken. Shes always there to listen to anyone regardless of whats going on. She there to make people smile and laugh when theyre down. She is truly the reason why i love being a General so much and its because i get to be around people like her
  17. The fact that bane hasnt gotten this award yet blows my mind. He is the literally definition of a "Drama Queen" every day he is constantly complaining about Jewels and star bullying him by calling him "Banye" (like Kanye) and constantly calling him a creep (mans joins the party and whispers sweet nothing in the party...really weird) hes always stalking our parties if we dont invite him and ultimately cries to us that hes left out (even when we invite him)
  18. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Jewels General Phoenix ES Link to forums account - @KSI Jewels Reasoning why the deserve this - she has been a fantastic and a spear head for driving her squad forward. She has continued to develop everyone around her to new hights and continue to grow those around her SSGT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Helgrind SSGT Kraken ES Link to forums account - @KSI Helgrind Reasoning why they deserve this - this man is absolutely insane, hes been on everyone from the moment hes been promoted. Hes constantly working to develop everyone around him and implement stuff that hes experienced in his life. Forum Staff (ADMIN/MODS/DEPARTMENT HEADS) Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Bootz Mod Link to forums account - @http://orig04.deviantart.net/e74e/f/2011/232/e/8/charazard_by_luvinme1369-d477fk5.gifBoootz Reasoning why they deserve this - Bootz has been an awesome person to work with. Shes been incredibly helpful with any questions ive had and has been a fantastic example for me on how to be the best Join Mod i can be. Department Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Star5528 senior join mod Link to forums account - @KSI Star5528 Reasoning why they deserve this - where do i start? Star has been amazing. Shes taken me under her wing to teach me everything she knows as a join mod. Shes been a fantastic mentor and an even better leader to work with. Im so greatful for all that she has shown me.
  19. Award - Rank Structure Certified Host- KSI xJoker 7 KSI Helgrind @KSI Helgrind Evidence-
  20. CAPS Workshop Award - CAPS Certified 04/11/2022 Host - KSI xJoker 7 Attendance - KSI BlkJesus @Black Jesus Evidence -
  21. Leadership aspects workshop 06APR2022 KSI xJoker 7 Leadership Aspects Certified Attendance KSI BlkJesus @Black Jesus KSI Helgrind @KSI Helgrind KSI MtnDewBB @KSI Franklin Evidence I hosted a Leadership aspects workshop. Evidence in ES Activity Log
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