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Always Ganking

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    always ganking#2571

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  • Gamertag
    KSI Ganking
  • Squad
  • Division
    Defiant EO
  • Rank/Title
    2nd CPT

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  1. Category: Co - Founder Gamertag: KSI Guyy 77 Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/41679-defiant-dog/ Reasons they deserve this award – He not only does a great job in his role as founder but did an excellent job when he helped out Defiant. We were in a difficult situation when our Gen had to step down but he stepped in and helped everyone out. He dealt with a lot of unfortunate situations and was always there to help people in the squad and talk things out so they could be resolved well. I have never had an issue that he was not completely open to discussing and handling in a well thought out manner. I thank him for helping out Defiant and truly believe he deserves this award. Category: General Gamertag: KSI Bonded Forums Account Link / @ http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44330-ksi-bonded/ Reasons they deserve this award – He has been an amazing officer and always did things right The way he handled situations kept everyone friends with each other and happy. Everyone was always happy to play with him and he made people feel at home in the squad. He taught me everything I know as an officer and I wouldn’t want it to have happened any other way. Category: Lieutenant Gamertag: KSI 0Sniperz Forums Account Link/ @http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44843-ksi-0sniperz/ Reason he deserves the award: Ever since he became an officer he was always striving to get as much as he can done. He always wanted to learn, always did what he had to do and searched for more things to do.
  2. Defiant eo Capt xxsandman1013xx Gamertag cordiacix xxgiddyxx stunkgolf Defiant eo Capt Jason v4 Gamertag ksi air ksi tio titah Defiant eo Capt snix Gamertag bitey hihock take off giddy on cordiaxics team
  3. Division: Explosive Outlaws Team Captain: KSI Ganking Gamertag: KSI Mirage Gamertag: Itennyson
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