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KSI DiamondKat

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About KSI DiamondKat

  • Birthday 04/16/1985

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    KSI DiamondKat
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  1. Rock dog always goes above and beyond when it comes to KSI related issues duteous he's willing to take his time to work with any officer that is wanting to learn to move up the rank . It doesn't matter what rank Rock dog is KSI has always been a big thing for him he tries to take the workload off of the person above him to give himself more to do within the community keep games with anybody any division any rank which is a big thing for members he Host Game Nights I have had the opportunity of knowing him from a staff sergeant to where he is at now being a seven and SL and I watched him touring members in a division that whenever I merged yeah he knew the people that went from fi but he didn't know a lot of people over there but he still jumped right in and started busting his butt like he always has if this number does not deserve an OS level 2 I don't know what would qualify for it.
  2. Gamertag: KSI Rockdogg 7 award/achievement: mentor award link to forums @KSI ROCKDOGG reason: Rockdogg has been around a little longer then i have been and i have had the honnor of working with him from another div and now under him in the same divison . he will work with all members no matter of rank or sqaud or even different divison no matter if its gaming they need someone to talk to. Rockdogg has always took his position serious so when he mentors someone he is claim patient postive and respectful when doing it . he dont get faustard when someone dont understand he will work with someone as much time as they need to learn what he is teaching them. Rockdogg is one who desevers this award .
  3. Name: KSI RagingKing Link to Forums Account: @KSI RagingKing Award-/-Achievement: Gamerscore hoarder award Reason-/-Evidence: gamer score of 31844 @Airborne
  4. Gamertag: award/achievement: gamerscore hoarder link to forums: @KSI Techz reason: gamerscore of 21480
  5. KSI RagingKing @KSI RagingKing has gamerscore of 31844
  6. Gamertag: KSI Greenwave Link to forums: @KSI Greenwave Award/Achievement: gamer score hoarder Reason: has a KSI gamer tag gamer score is33740
  7. Gamertag: KSI Greenwave Link to forums: @KSI Greenwave Award/Achievement: gamer score hoarder Reason: has a KSI gamer tag gamer score is33740
  8. Team Name: Rocking SL Teammate #1: KSI DiamondKat Teammate #2: KSI Rockdogg 7
  9. It would be my honor to witnesses this for this man i met him back when i was in insane and the sqaud was falling apart i went to him with ideas to try and save the sqaud and he gave me adivse that if other members/ officers were willing to put in there share of the work that it may be a possibility and that he would do his share to try and make this happen with me .me and him tryed to recuit for about a week but too many members werent willing to pull there part. Even thou l left KSI for a short time when they merged insane into nemesis and the other sqauds i he was one of the few that would still game with me when he could . this man was a blessing to DL and always tryed to do what was right DL
  10. Senior Leader - rita /Veritas Rita has always been one you can go to game with or for advise . he is a great leader with in KSI. He is always honest about thing with you even when you dont want to hear it .he is always game to lose his lunch money in poker Director KSI TexAngel7 @KSI TexAngel 7 Tex is one of the best directors i have had the opportunity to meet while in KSI so far . when she was director over DL is was up fornt and honest on what needed to be done to help DL raise up to the division it is now and a great mentor. I am glad i had the opportunity to be fired by her when i was captain. In side joke there sorry. Division Leader KSI firemomma 7 @KSIfiremomma7 Well momma is one of kind being in DL the two times at first we butted heads but when i came back and had the opportunity to talk and understand why she did what she did . momma was more then willing to help me meet my goals i set for my self in ksi . i would not be were am at in ksi if it wasnt for her and a few others Co - Founder KSI Dropshot 7 Dropshot is a all around amazing guy he has patience to work with almost anybody he will game with anybody he is a great leader and mentor he's always more than welcome mean to new members and helps out any way he can. He is another one i have to thank for helping me get to were at in ksi General- KSI Rockdogg / @KSI ROCKDOGG There is alot to say about this general i have known him over a year and have seen him move up the rank and seen what this man can do . he inspires his squad and will do what has to be done to exceed in KSI . he games with any member no matter rank/sqaud/ or division. Rockdogg is a amazing gen and has worked his butt off to get where he is at in ksi even thou he has had a rough time getting it .
  11. Dropshot is a great mentor and person .i have has rhe honorer of working first hand with him over the last few month i have seen alot of great things from this man . He has always been there to help me learn and to game with ... Dropshot is one of those who will take the time to play with any members of ksi regardless of div or rank.
  12. As a general in DL hosting games night i do include other divisions . when i need to get more people for game nights i just message or invite gamer john to parties n he will pull in as mean members he can so they can join a game night with DL i have been in parties n some one needs to be trained n rockdogg will just shoot john a message n mins later he is there n training ordealing with issues as a member from another division i believe he deserves thia award
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