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KSI Karisaur

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About KSI Karisaur

  • Birthday 02/05/1998

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    KSI Karisaur
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KSI Karisaur's Achievements


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  1. Category: Div Lead Gamertag: KSI Hatter 77 Forums Account: @Hatter 77 Reasons they deserve this award: I can honestly say throughout my time of knowing Hatter I haven't always gotten along with her but I've never seen someone who has lead with such devotion and unbiased hand. Between helping each and every member she can be at their full potential and hosting and supporting her generals she made an impact on all of us anyways she could. She would attend gamenight for every squad and inspire all of us to participate and try our best. No matter where I've been after the transfer to this division i felt alone and like leaving the community. But she noticed I was absent and she helped me remember why I joined KSI and why I continue to stay: because I love this community. At it's best it's a family: we all play together and support each other regardless of our personal issues. When someone's hurt we all support them: when they win we all hold them high. My point is I've never been in a division so active and so welcoming in so long. I can honestly say without her I wouldn't have stayed. She made me feel welcome again and remember that were all here for each other! Family sticks together! I hope no matter what happens she never loses her desire to help others within KSI because if anyone can bring back a division from the brink of decay it's her. #Team Hatter
  2. Name: KSI Karisaur Link to Forums Account: http://www.ksiforums.org/profile/44770-ksi-karisaur/ Award-/-Achievement: Legen- , VeRiiThoTs Reason-/-Evidence: Has at least 5 awards *My bad forgot the format*
  3. He gifted me Overwatch when I lost the game and even gifted me Fallout 76 and My Hero Ones Justice when I couldn't afford otherwise. This member goes out of his way to offer anyone who couldn't afford otherwise to have games so they can play with other memebers or just to feel included in general. He doesn't miss an opportunity to be kind to another and will go out of his way!
  4. Name: KSI Karisaur Link to Forums Account: @KSI Karisaur Award-/-Achievement: Gamer Score Hoarder Reason-/-Evidence: https://account.xbox.com/en-us/Profile?xr=socialtwistnav or just checking my profile on Xbox if that doesn't work.
  5. Team Captain: KSI Karisaur Division: EO Teammate: KSI Kaos Reeper Division: EO
  6. Gamertag/Forums name: KSI Karisaur Award: New Member Certified Evidence: In the workshop Person(s) who ran the workshop: KSI Skarzx 77
  7. Founder Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Skarzx Founder EO Link to forums account - @KSI Skarzx 77 Reasoning why they deserve this - He has gone out of his way being available whenever needed and does an exemplary job of spending time with members and making the whole community a better place, giving members opportunities to step up in addition to inspiring members to want to move up and be better each day. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Kaos Reeper GEN - EO/Defiant Link to forums account - @Kaos Reeper Reasoning why the deserve this - Kaos has been a great person to work with. He goes out of his way to make each one of our members feel at home and takes extra time to play with everyone. He even came up with a day for random game types based on what the members were into that day which gives more diversity to the group and more opportunities for members to play with each other. He guides all the members forward and helps them strive to be better each day and motivates each and every one. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Sinz - 4CPT EO/Talon Link to forums account - @KSI Sinz Reasoning why they deserve this - He has stepped up and shown leadership qualities when his squad needed him among making sure his members feel at home. Whenever anything needed to be done he made a point to keep everything and everyone together attending every meeting and taking responsibilities above his when asked. Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Envy Sol SGT - EO/Defiant Link to forums account - @FoxFireNyoki Reasoning why they deserve this - I'm simply amazed at how some people you bring in can make such a difference in the atmosphere of a squad. Since he has been here he has gone out of his way to play with new members even if it's not his normal game type and even gave a name change he won to someone interested in being an officer, the kindness and overall productiveness of this member has stood out to me immensely and I personally think deserves to be rewarded, I would love to see more members as him flourish in KSI.
  8. I came into KSI seven months ago having no idea what to expect from joining a gaming community. Defiant has had many ups and downs in the time I've been here even moments where it felt like nothing was happening. From the moment I said I wanted to move up, he's been there every step of the way to support me and help me achieve not only my personal goals in KSI but overall to help everyone have a good experience in the process. He has contributed to a growth in the squad that wasn't just numbers but participation. There are no amount of words to describe how much KSI Kaos Reeper has done for not only Defiant but EO; to say it plainly whenever anyone needs someone he's always willing to be that person, just compassionate and caring of everyone he comes into contact with.
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