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KOS Madara 9

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KOS Madara 9 last won the day on June 16 2012

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About KOS Madara 9

  • Birthday 04/20/1990

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    my bed
  • Interests
    Gaming Communities
  • Gamertag
    KOS Madara 9
  • Squad
    Retired formally KSI Dr Doom 7
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  1. Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/user/7821-ksi-hydro-ghost/
  2. im a witness to this hydro is one of the best recruiters and trainers in DL hes presence is very strong and has made a major impact on us here.he does this free willingly and is never told to recruit or train because he does these jobs without being told to do so. he is a great example on how officers and recruiters should be in DL.
  3. mr ninja has helped others along with myself many times and he is always offering help to others when he dosen't haft to but likes to be involved. as for trainer he has 33 trains total and i have seen at least 10 or more done as a witness in the same party when some of his trains are being done
  4. i can vouch for mr ninja he has people in his squad that love to play griftball and practice with one another and now are preparing to make a team for grift ball on halo 4 i can also say that they also did this in halo reach as well
  5. always look upon our thoughts because the mind and heart are truly amazing gifts

  6. Director Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Roman 7 Dir Link to forums account -http://www.ksiforums.org/index.php?/user/989-ksi-roman-7/ Reasoning why the deserve this -Roman does so much for our Division he not only is a good role model but a goodfriend he has taught me not to let emotions cloud my judgement, every time i need something when Lazar is away he is all-ways there, people look up to him over here because he did not demand our respect but earned our respect, he treats us as if we was one of his own he is like a big brother to all of us. bottom line if it was not for roman we would have lost alot of tags if it was not for him pulling them away asap when most threats was made. thank you for help keeping our division stable and safe. Division Leader KSI LAZAR 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -Division Leader of DL Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - LAZAR all i can say is this man has made so much effort into bringing DL where it is now if it was not for him it would not be as fun,safe,organized,and structured. he puts so much time into this that he has another family on here pretty much. he has taught me the KSI ways on leadership he has and allways be an important part of KSI, Examples: he is well spoken and openminded, he is not afraied to voice his opnion no matter the circumstance, he will allways put his rank on the line for others and answer for his and their mistakes which i dont see any so far lol he looks over everyone and is allways there for the issues in squads because they are his family. Founder KSI Skillz 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - RP founder Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this - SKillz is been put through alot of tough situations but has managed to pull through, im glad that he has a better grip over RP now, he has worked hard to form a staff so that they can think about the future he has improved from a scale 1 to 10 id say 11 lol plus he has taught me a few things or two on being a better leader. Co-Founder KSI Venum 7 Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -DL Link to forums account - Reasoning why they deserve this -Venum has went above and beyond his rank expectations he has proven himself to be a great role model. he has saved alot of squads form failure but he has pulled through and made them in to fantastic squads. he is ontop of every little detail making sure our members are properly trained he will make a good division leader some day thank you for all that you do. General Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI beast NY DL gen of Asylum Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this -Beast is great Gen he leads his guys to his 2 nd sqaud splits.Beast also works with so many members in others sqauds like we have members with disabiltys he works very hard to teach them what KSI is and how they respond to him it'slike he host his own classes he is 1 in a million he also kept his squad under control when there was no general for a while he is the reason asylum is what it is now and i must give him props for that. Major Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI Birch Plague DL Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this - Birch has went from being one of the most unpredictable person to a better leader he has changed so much and has delt with so much in his KSI carrer that i honestly thought we was going to lose him but he proved me wrong he has become an important part of plague and has helped KSI fear out alot. if they had a most improved award he would have earned that for sure. Captain Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) - KSI MRN1NjA 14 Capt of wendigo DL Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this -this capt has made it to Gen of our very first Halo sqaud taking 7 members and turning them into 45 and teaching his new sqaud everything they need to know to success in KSI from recuriting and training to having so many game night and showing new member that forums are a great place to have new members read about KSI he is a great role model and future leader he has helped other squads turn around and be better as squad mates he is an important part of this team and i expect more great things to come from him the future is bright. LT Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI Hydro Ghost Kronos Lt 1st Link to forums account - Reasoning why the deserve this -Hydro was recurited 3 months ago made a huge impacted in KSI with 55 rcts moving to Lt made him even better training ppl our ways showing us he is a future leader of DL he has 45 trains already as a Lt teaching our St SGTs on how to do there jobs and working with them every Member Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -KSI BOOMHOWER Plague DL Link to forums account - why they deserve this - BOOMHOWER has alot yet to learn and has admited that which takes alot to say that about themselves, he has tried very hard to improve not only him self but his fellow squad mates as well, he has and enthusatic personality and a great role model for encuragement he allways offers a lending hand to anyone that needs assitance and when asked to do something he does it without question.
  7. im a witness to mr churches award great trainer and his trainies have excellent preformance
  8. id also like to point out she has 20'000 gamer score
  9. i would like for you guys to discontinue these awards i feel that i have a longways to go before i earn this awards other people deserve the most outstanding more than i do like our directors or senior directors for example thank you for noticing the hard work that i do but i feel i have a long way to go and alot more work to do
  10. i am a witness to this he is a very hard worker
  11. well where can i start when i was first became general of the squad i was brought up in which was KSI Asylum DL i worked really hard because at this time before that i was acting general for 1 month. the second general went away leaving me to face the growth alone and our co-founder was also not present, at the time i only had lazar but he was allways busy with the other things in the division i learned everything on my own, i trained and mentorored alot of people and most of them turned out to be great Generals throught DL. each of these was in Asylum under me at one time- KSI Deathrow95 he is now General of Ares DL, KSI Venum General of Plague DL, KSI TAZ General of Insane DL, KSI AL Capone was the General of Asylum DL, KSI Beast NY is currently the acting General of Asylum DL, KSI Technology was the General of Koronos, i feel that my presence has really kept DL the great division that i consider it as today. part two KSI Ares was in a unstable enviornment that officers was fighting with one another and and they was going down in numbers so i interfeard with the arguements this was shortly after i became co-founder. so i came up with suggestions moving people around and so i did and it worked out for the better Ares went from almost to the point of death to one of the most productive squads in DL i trained the members how to deal with stressfull situations and they have grown so much im proud of all of them part three i seen what kind of stress lazar was undergoing, he was the only one that could watch over everything well he was brought relief when KSI inferno 7 was promoted to founder after three days he moved to a new home and has been away since which brought lazar back to where he was before so i stept up and took responsibility even though im not a founder i still go around and help those in need i have talked to all Generals and attend their meetings when i could so i could introduce myself to the new members and explain to them who i am what my job responsibilities was and welcomed many of the new members to KSI because the members like it when higher ups come down and talk to them in there meetings and it gives them more confort knowing that they know who is where and who they can depend on when it comes to making right descions. all and all i have alot of respect for people i love this community i have donated $130 so far and i know i have alot more to learn but im ready to take on any obstical that comes to me and i will rise over these obstical thank you this is what i think and why i was nominated thankyou Lazar for taking notice for my hard work bro
  12. i can vouch for lazar on all of these he works all the time he maintains his job and does it well but also drives him nuts when people go to him with every single issue but still handles it well
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