Division Leader
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Imperiium 7
(GZ Division Leader)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
Where do I begin? Well before I joined GZ, I was in another division and my squad shut down so I was moved to GZ. It was very hard for me because I missed my old squad and all. When my newer squad was looking bad, my thought was "oh my gosh not again" because I was afraid it was going to happen all over again and that I'd be forced to move again. This guy didn't let it happen. Instead of giving up and taking the easy way out and say "let's just shut this squad down" he did everything he could and he made sure this squad would work. He took the time to talk to individual members of that squad and find out where the problem was. I don't really know any Div leader who would do that. He has many other squads and stuff to deal with but he took the time to help and listen. He cared. He listened to what the problem was, where it started, and he tried to find a solution and it worked. If he wouldn't have done what he did, we would be getting stronger as a squad. My squad is getting better and so much stranger and is turning around thanks to our div leader. Div leaders get busy, they can't spend too much time on one squad because they are busy. Well he took the time to fix this squad instead of letting it go. This guy truly cares about this division and everyone in it. He has so much passion for this division. Whenever he is talking to anyone about what needs to be done, instead of him sounding like he's just doing his job, he sounds like he is doing it because he cares and loves what he does. He truly deserves this. I cannot thank him enough for all that he has done.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Centurion 7
(General - KSI Solace GZ)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
When our other general left, someone needed to step up and and hold our squad together. We needed someone who would care, do everything he could to make sure this squad would stay together and help it get stronger. Well, this guy right here did just that. I've had 4 Generals before him and I can honestly tell you that this guy was by far the greatest. He did more for this squad that any general I had before. He made sure officers did there jobs, he squad was doing activities, we were getting our recruits, he did a phenomenal job. I was very amazed on how great he was. He deserves this because this guy defines knowledge, strength, and integrity.
Gamertag (Rank - Division/Squad) -
KSI Ryushi
(4CPT - KSI Solace GZ)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
When our general was promoted, we were without a general for awhile. This guy definitely did the part. He was the one organizing game nights, making sure all squad activities went well and as planned, recruiting, handling any concerns our members had, he did it all. No one asked him to do it either which is what got me. No one asked him to step in and do all that he did. He just did it. No one had to tell him. He wasnt even the higher officer but he did it anyways. He took the responsibility and he handled it very well. He was just a 4CPT and he was doing what a general would do for his squad. This guy was the best captain I've ever worked with since I've been in KSI.
Gamertag ( Rank - Division/Squad)-
KSI Flamebreak
( 4LT - KSI Solace GZ)
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Reasoning why they deserve this -
While our officers were doing an average officer job, this guy went all out. He was the best recruiter, he was always so full if motivation and enthusiasm. He took pride in his job. He always tried to do game nights, he tried to do anything he could. He lives across the world so his Timing is bad for him but he didn't let that get in the way. He started up his own snipers team and he was just amazing. By far the best LT I have ever seen. He was more like a captain to me at a 4LT spot. He did an amazing job as a LT.